Dating (1.1)

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So here's what's going to happen.. some kids will be dating random kids from their school and some kids will be dating the other boys' kids ((since some were requesting those prefs))

This part and the succeeding parts will be for the eldest kids first. I will update about the other kids later on. I hope everything's clear :-)


"You should ask her out. I mean, you look cute together." Sofia commented on what Cameron said over dinner. He said he likes Brooklyn, Luke's daughter. "You've liked her since forever."

"Yeah, Cam. She's a lovely, well-mannered girl." You said. Calum was just sitting there, silent, eating his dinner.

"The thing is already asked her out for a movie this Saturday!" He exclaimed, obviously happy about the news he's telling you guys.

"I don't know, Cameron. You know how much you make her cry when you were younger." Calum told his son, obviously concerned.

"Dad, that was way, way back. I love her, really." Cameron responded. You saw how sincere he is with what he said.

"That's my best mate's daughter and if you hurt her, I don't know. I- I don't want that to happen." Calum said.

"I won't dad. I would never."

"Are you seriously allowing him to date Luke's daughter?" Calum asked you while you both lay in bed.

"Aren't you? I know how much our son likes her." You told him. Cameron hasn't dated anyone aside from Brooklyn.

"What if something happens? What if they make a mistake? What if he hurts her?" Calum was over thinking. You understood that he felt that way because you're talking about his son and his best friend's daughter.

"Don't you trust Cameron? He's a gentleman, believe me. I know our son and I see how he is." You comforted Calum. "He's just like you back then." You giggled.

Calum smiled and nodded, "I just hope they both end up together." He said.


Brooklyn was afraid to tell Luke that she said yes when Cameron asked her out. You and your daughter are the best of friends, she trusted you with her secrets and would often tell you stories about everything. So she decided to talk to you about it. "I already said yes when he asked me out because I really, really like him since Year 7 and yeah, that's basically it." She said. You're in her room, sitting in her bed and listening to her never-ending stories.

"I'm not even allowing you to go out on Saturday." You teased her, making her believe that you're strict and forbidding her to go out with Cameron.

"Mum, please? Please? Please?" She begged and pulled your arm. "It would be really embarrassing if I couldn't go." She told you. You wanted to laugh so bad but you have to keep the mother character.

"As long as your tell your dad. The decision's on him." You told her. It was always like that, the final panel goes through Luke. If he doesn't say yes, then you won't too. But your kids completely understood.

"Dad?" Brooklyn went down to the living room where Luke and Lucas are. "May I talk to you privately, in the kitchen?" She asked. You could really tell that she's nervous. While they both talked, you stayed with Lucas.

"What's up?" Luke asked his daughter. He leaned on the kitchen counters and focused on what Brooklyn is going to say.

"So, Cameron asked me out." She started. Luke's eyes widened in shock. "Can I go out on Saturday.. with him?" She shyly asked Luke.

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