Babysitting #2

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"Alright, kids. Your daddies will be working and I'll take care of all of you for the mean time." Ashton said as he entered the room. The kids looked at him like he was some kind of unknown form of life.

"Where's my daddy?" Brooklyn asked when she woke up. She stretched her petite body and scratched her eyes.

"He's singing, darling." Ashton walked towards his niece and sat beside her.

"What are we going to do now?" Alex asked. He and Cameron got their cars and race tracks all over the floor.

"What about you and Mr. Hood clean up your toys and then we can all play together. Does that sound good, Mr. Clifford?" Ashton answered Alex's question. Both of the boys agreed and did what their uncle told them.

"Can I see my daddy?" Brooklyn sweetly asked Ashton.

"He's a bit busy right now. Maybe later, okay?" He answered and stroke Brooklyn's hair. Brooklyn got off the couch and went to where Amanda and Allison is.

"Brooklyn, do you want to play with our ponies?" Amanda asked her playmate. Brooklyn excitedly nodded and got her My Little Pony toy inside her bag.

"Do ponies poop rainbows?" Alex playfully asked, making him and Cameron burst into laughter.

Ashton let out a silent laugh before he answered, "I think they do." He said.

"Ponies don't poop!" Amanda defended.

"Then they'd die if they don't poo!" Alex said and laughed again. The girls were totally annoyed by the boys.

"They don't poop!" The girls shouted in unison, determined to fight for the non-pooping race of ponies.

"They do!" The boys declared fighting against the girls.

"Okay, okay, kids cut it off." Ashton went in between both sides. Last thing he wants is the kids crying and the rest of the band not trusting him with kiddie duty. He turned to face his daughter, who's obviously almost in tears just defending the ponies. "Mandy, sweetie, I'm sure ponies poop but they do it secretly." He knelt down and explained.

Amanda sniffed in dismay and just plainly went back to her spot in the room. Brooklyn went to sit on the couch and quietly played with her pony with Allison. Both of the boys sat where they stood earlier and just stared blankly at Ashton.

"Great." Ashton said sarcastically under his breath. He thought of something that would revive the energy in the room and prevent the boy-girl rivalry. "What have you guys eaten for breakfast?" He asked the kids.

"We ate toasties!" The twins exclaimed. Ashton looked at cameron and waited for an answer, "Dad made me drink chocolate milk." Cameron politely answered.

"I haven't eaten anything yet." Brooklyn timidly answered when Ashton looked at her.

"Amanda has Cheerios to share with you!" Ashton announced. Amanda finally smiled and got the small packs of Cheerios from her bag. Ashton got tiny bowls outside the room and returned to fill it in with Cheerios for each kid.

The kids delightedly consumed the Cheerios whilst Ashton watched them, hoping no one would make a mess. "I don't want anymore." Brooklyn said and put her bowl down the coffee table. Unlike her dad who eats a whole lot, she doesn't eat as much as the other kids.

"Aw, Brookey. You haven't eaten half of it." Ashton frowned and told his niece. Brooklyn shook her head lightly and frowned back.

"I'll just eat hers!" Alex presented himself. Ashton wasn't surprised, Alex was a lot like Michael. His uncle handed over the bowl to him and he ate Brooklyn's share.

"What are the kids doing?" Luke asked as he entered the room. Brooklyn rushed to her dad and gave him a tight hug. "Good morning, princess." He whispered and kissed her forehead.

"Just eating." Ashton replied and stood up from his seat. "Are you done recording?"

"Yeah, it's actually your turn." Luke told Ashton and pointed his thumb to the door. "I'll watch over the kids."

"Bye, daddy!" Amanda chirped and waved at her dad. "Be a good boy!" She added.

Ashton and gave in for a hug. "You too, be a good girl. No fighting." He reminded his daughter before leaving the room.

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