Doctors Mistake Their Gender

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alright, i know i published this on my other book too but i was kind of thinking if this chapter should be here or there lol do you get me.


"Oh my god, Caluuuum!" You shouted in pain as you struggle in pushing the baby out of you

"I know. I know, sweetheart." He nervously told you. "You can do this." He encouraged you.

You let out the biggest push you can, "Okay. Okay, stop pushing." The doctor said and grinned. You and Calum soon heard the loud cry of your baby. "It's a girl!" She informed thee two of you and handed the little bundle of joy to you.

"Oh my god." Calum smiled as tears formed in his eyes. "Oh my god." He said again.

"I know, Calum. I know." You told him as you stare at your baby. "She's beautiful, Calum."

"What should we name her?" He asked you. "We don't name her Cameron, do we?" He giggled.

"Of course, we don't." You scoffed. "She looks like an Eleanor." You smiled and looked at Calum.

"Eleanor Claire." Calum said. "Hi, your name's Eleanor Claire." He smiled and played with her tiny hands.

"Calum," You looked at him.

"You don't like Claire?" He worriedly asked you and frowned.

"It's perfect." You smiled and looked back to Eleanor. "You're perfect." You said and kissed her forehead


After you gave birth, you immediately passed out as soon as the baby was out. You were incredibly tired. When you woke up, Luke was on a chair beside your bed, sleeping too. "Luke?" You mumbled.

On that little noise, he was awake in a snap. "Hey, you okay? You need anything?" He walked towards your bed.

"I'm okay." You answered. "Where's our little girl?" You smiled and hoped for an answer.

"We don't have a little girl, (Y/N)." He plainly answered you.

You gasped and tears immediately escaped from your eyes. "What happened?!" You panicked, thinking that you lost the baby.

"Hey, hey. Calm down." He said and rubbed your back. "Let me finish talking first." He laughed a little.

"Oh my god, Luke. How could you laugh if we lost our little one?" You hit him and continued to cry.

"We didn't loose anyone. We had a little boy. We have a mini me." He told you and you quickly stopped.

"Luke!?" You looked at him, this time with a smile, and waited for him to repeat what he said.

"A little ladies' man." He repeated and smiled back. Just in time, a nurse came in, pushing a little hospital crib where your baby lay. "There he is." Luke smiled and walked towards his son to get him.

"Luke, he looks perfectly like you." You said as soon as you had your first glance. "What do we name him now?" You asked and Luke handed your baby to you.

"Do you like the name Tristan?" He asked you. "I've liked that name since I was like, 18 or something." He asked and watched you watch your own little Hemmo.

"I like it." You smiled. "Tristan Robert Hemmings." You said and traced your fingers on Tristan's forehead down to his cheek.

"You're naming him after me?" Luke gasped, as if he can't believe it.

"Of course, you're his father. Why not?" You shrugged and smiled.

"Tristan Robert." Luke repeated. "We're going to have so much fun, little one." He smiled and placed a light kiss on his son's forehead.


"You're almost there." Ashton kept on encouraging you as he held your hand. "Our little girl's almost out."

"You did this to me, you little piece of- GOOOOOD!!" You screamed as you try to push the baby out of you. Ashton laughed a little, but he was more nervous than any man on earth right now.

"He's here!" The doctor announced, just in the time the baby cried. She wrapped him in a blue cloth and handed him over to you.

You had a huge smile on your face and tears of joy as you receive your little baby boy. "I always knew you're a boy." You whispered before pressing your lips against his forehead.

Ashton stood there, speechless, he was beyond overwhelmed. You looked over to him, "Do you want to hold your son, Mr. Irwin?" You asked him.

He nodded and carefully took the little bundle of joy from you. "Hi, buddy." He smiled and played with his tiny hands. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Ethan." You suddenly thought. "Ethan Irwin." You smiled and looked at Ashton.

"I was thinking of Spencer Irwin." He laughed. "Can it be Ethan Spencer Irwin?" Ashton asked you as he slowly rocks his arms.

"Settled." You agreed. Ashton handed Ethan back to you and you observed the baby's features. "He's just like you, Ash." You said, seeing how Ethan got his father's hair, eyes, and lips.


Giving birth to two babies at the same day has been the most dreadful experience you've had. Your baby boy was born out first and you were expecting to have the baby girl next. But when the baby was out, the doctor announced that it was another boy.

"This means I won the bet." Michael laughed as he held one of your boys. "You owe me a box of pizza." He added.

"Shut up, Michael." You silently laughed, afraid to wake any of the babies. "3 Michaels, oh my god." You gasped.

"Can we name them Mario and Luigi?" Michael asked.

"Never going to happen." You shook your head. "Not after any game character, animal, or fruit." You went ahead his thinking.

"Now all my suggestions are gone." He joked.

"I came across two names for twins one time, both for boys." You tried to remember. "Clark and Clyde!" You chirped.

"Wow, those names are actually cool. This is Clark and that's Clyde." He gestured to the sleeping babies. "How can we even tell the difference, they look so alike." He laughed, he has been trying to tell the difference between the two but he can't seem to find any.

"Clark Daniel and Clyde Dylan." You said, adding their second names.

"So you just named one of our sons after my lion and one after your favourite celebrity? Nice." He scoffed and laughed. You can't tell if he liked it or not but you just didn't care, you liked the names.

"What? I carried them for nine straight months! I have the right to name them!" You defended yourself in a childish way.

"Fine, fine." Michael goes. "I'm too happy to have all three of you." He just said and placed a kiss on your cheek.

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