Babysitting #1

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((so the scenario is that the wives have all gone to work and the daddies are in charge of taking their children but they have to go to work so they'll be bringing the kids with them. also, this is inspired by @gigglyhemings from Instagram. follow her there she's awesome!))

Luke packed Brooklyn's bag with all the things she'll be needing, clothes, food, water, and her blankie. It's early in the morning and Brooklyn's still asleep whilst you've gone to work. Luke grabbed his stuff together with Brooklyn's and scooped his daughter from her bed. He drove to the studio where the band is supposed to be by this time.

"Hey, mate." Ashton greeted Luke when he entered. "Amanda and the rest of the kids are in the other room." Ashton pointed at the door, few steps from the entrance.

"What's our schedule?" Luke asked Ashton. Brooklyn's still fast asleep on Luke shoulders.

"You're up for recording first. While you record, Calum and Michael will be doing radio interviews. I have nothing to do for that time so I can watch the kids." Ashton goes. Luke nodded and headed towards the room where the kids are.

As Luke entered the room, he saw Amanda curled up in a big arm hair. She was holding a book for herself to read and a little plush toy beside her. "Hello, uncle Luke." She greeted.

"Hey, Mands." Luke greeted back as he carefully puts his 4-year old daughter down the couch.

"Daddy." Brooklyn groaned but her eyes still closed. She didn't want to be put down and kept wrapping her arms around Luke's neck.

"Shh." Luke uttered. "Daddy will be back. I just have to work okay?" He told his daughter.

Brooklyn didn't bother to reply and went back to her slumber. Amanda got off her chair and went towards Luke. She pulled Luke's pants consecutively for him to notice her. "What time is she waking up?" She asked.

"In a while, sweetie. After that, you can play already." Luke smiled and ruffled Amanda's dirty blonde hair.

"Ready!?" Calum exclaimed as he waited for his 5-year old son to come out of the car.

"Ready as always!" Cameron replied. He wore his backpack and got out of the car. They both went towards the studio's entrance.

"There you are!" Ashton said as soon as Calum entered. "Hurry and you'll be lye for the interview!" He reminded Calum.

"Alright, dad has to go now. Remember what I told you?" Calum knelt down to his son's level.

"Don't leave my things scattered and be nice to the other kids!" Cameron proudly answered his father.

"That's it." Calum stood up and ruffled his son's hair.

"Hello!" Cameron shouted as he entered the kids' room. "Why is she sleeping here?" Cameron asked Amanda when he saw Brooklyn in her pajamas and basically lying on the couch.

"She came here sleeping." Amanda shrugged and went back to reading her book.

Cameron circled the room and looked for something interesting to do. He looked at the pictures hung up on the wall, the band's album covers and awards. "Is this uncle Ash?" He pointed at Ashton's picture and asked Amanda.

"Yes, that's daddy." Amanda answered when she saw the photo.

"You have the same hair." He giggled.

Moments after, Michael's twins arrived. "Hi!" They both said in unison. Alex ran to Cameron and brought out their toy cars.

"Twins! Come over here first." Michael called for his 5-year olds for a quick meeting. "Don't make any mess around here and don't touch anything on the shelves. Okay?" Michael said, knowing how naughty his kids are.

"Yes, Mr. Daddy!" Allison did a salute in front of her dad.

"Lex?" Michael waited for his son to respond. Alex simply nodded at his father's instructions. "If you do good today we might have ice cream before going home." He bribed.

"Yaaaay!" The twins jumped around and cheered.

"Okay now, daddy has to go." Michael said and stood up from the floor. "Uncle Ash will be here any minute." He said before going out of the door.

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