Home from the Hospital ≫ Personal for Ashley

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his pov

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked Ashley as I lie down in bed. I was a little worried about our baby daughter, Brooklyn.

"She's sound asleep. I think she is." Ashley answered and looked over the crib next to our bed.

"I can't get enough of her." I giggled. "She looks so much like you." I snuggled closer to Ashley and she wrapped her arms around my body.

"I was rooting for her to get your eyes but turns out she prefers my eyes." She told me and leaned her head to my chest. "But she's still so beautiful." Ashley positively said.

"Better keep him off the boys." I laughed. But I'm way beyond serious about that, no boyfriends for her until 30.

"I'm just scared." She worriedly said. "What if she hates me? Girls hate their mothers once they step to their teenage years."

"How can someone hate you? Especially our daughter? You're an amazing person and I know that you're going to be an amazing mum." I comforted her. Not a while, Brooklyn started crying. I hurriedly got up to cradle her. "Hey there, Brooky. Stop crying." I hushed her as I swung my arms but she wouldn't stop.

Ashley walked towards me and got Brooklyn. "Sweetie. No one's going to hurt you. We're here." She sweetly said. My girls look perfect as they both stand before me. I couldn't believe I got two of the most beautiful girls in existence to be with me.

Finally, Brooklyn stopped crying. But when Ashley tried to put her down the crib again, she started to cry. "Can we let her sleep with us?" I asked.

"That sounds nice." Ashley agreed and went back to our bed whilst Brooklyn was still in her arms. She carefully placed Brooklyn beside her and continued to comfort her.

I went back to my spot and lied beside my beautiful daughter. "You're so perfect." I said before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I can't believe we made her." Ashley said in awe and played with Brooklyn's tiny hand. "She's all ours."

Brooklyn's eyes slowly closed and she finally fell back to sleep. Ashley watched her, adoringly smiling at our little girl. From the look in her eyes, I could really tell how much she loves our baby and how she's so proud to have her. "I love you so much." I told her. "You gave me the most beautiful gift ever." I said, pertaining to our daughter.

"I love you too." She smiled, but not even taking her eyes off of Brooklyn.

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