Babysitting #6 ⇝ Last Part

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inspired by a tumblr post

Ashton quickly ran to the store to get snacks for the kids and for the band before they leave the studio. "Daddy, did you get chocolate milk?" Amanda excitedly asked when Ashton returned with bags in both of his hands.

"Of course, boo. Hold a sec." Ashton said and placed the bags on the nearby table. He brought out the all the food he got, chocolate milk, biscuits, soda, and chocolates cookies.

"Food! Thank god!" Michael heavily sighed. The twins both lay in his stomach as he leans to the wall of the room.

"Who wants milk!?" Ashton exclaimed and asked the kids. They all run to him and got each of theirs.

"What if I want some too?" Luke murmured.

"Sorry, I only got five for the kids." Ashton said and threw him a can of soda.

"Why do we always get milk and the adults get sodas?" Cameron looked up to Calum and asked.

Calum ruffled his son's hair and smiled. "Because you're still young." He said.

"I want soda too." Alex frowned and looked at the soda in his dad's hands.

"Not now, little man. Your mum's going to kill me if I made you drink soda." Michael laughed and took a sip of his soda.

"On point." Calum pointed at Michael for that statement.

"Daddy," Brooklyn pulled Luke's arm. "May I have cookies?" She politely asked.

"Of course, I'll get one for you." Luke stood up and headed to the table to look for cookies. He hovered through the bags but he didn't see any cookies. "Ashton, where are the cookies!?" He yelled.

"Don't yell at me, Mr. Daddy Long Legs!" Ashton yelled back but did not answer the question. Amanda sat there and laughed like her dad. The signature Irwin laugh filled the room.

Cameron stood up from his seat and waddled towards Brooklyn. He handed over a couple of pieces of cookies to her. They exchanged smiles and Calum can't help but notice. "Look at my son, picking up chicks like-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence I swear it will be the end of your balls." Luke threatened and glared at Calum.

"Daddy," Alex called for his dad. "Uncle Luke said balls." He laughed. Allison overheard her twin and started laughing too.

"Shh, keep it down." Michael whispered but laughed too.

"Balls." The twins secretly giggled. "I said balls." They both whispered on each other's ear."

we are asked to write an essay about why, where, and when is it right to commit suicide and i don't know how to write it properly because it is never right to commit suicide :(

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