Chapter XXVIII: Sweet Art Thou

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~ ❤️ ~

*TJ's POV*

"I think I know what I should do to fix our relationship." I blurted out as I approached the back door in the kitchen.

I stood there watching her in that same spot she was sitting in again looking at whatever it was that caught her attention. I finally had some time to think to myself and decided to do what's only right. I figured that if I do this, then everything will be back to normal again, and I can have my Bella back again. I should only hope she doesn't say no.

Lana approached me and placed a caring hand on my shoulder and Cesaro did the same. I turned around seeing the look of hopelessness in their eyes. They looked as if they weren't ready for this little stunt that I'm about to pull. The thing is I'm scared of what they might say I never discussed my plans with them nor even had the decency to tell them what I'm about to do. It's only been a matter of twenty-four hours since I came up with this decision, and it wasn't easy. It wasn't easy at all, and it led to another sleepless night for me. But it was only because I love Bella, and I'm looking at our future right now. If I let her go on like this then there's no telling what will happen. What if I lose her?

"What is it TJ?" Cesaro asked.

"I'm going to propose to Bella." I answered.

"What? TJ no." Cesaro said.

"No? What you do you mean no? my love life is at stake here, and if I don't do something then it's going to crumble. It's the only way to save my relationship with the woman I love." I said.

"Because are you two even ready for that kind of commitment? is Bella even ready for that kind of commitment? A lot is happening between you two right now, and I don't think an engagement is going to help."

"I'm going to have to agree with Lana and say that she actually has a point here. What if you ask her and she hesitates? You know she's in a vulnerable state of mind right now, and she's not in a good place right now. I know you want to talk to her TJ , but a proposal? I don't think it's the right move right now. I mean look at her....the poor girl has absolutely no idea what she wants." Cesaro said.

I looked out the window at the woman I fell in love with. They have no idea how much this would mean to me, and I do believe that if I do this then I just may have another chance with my relationship. I won't know until I try.

"Guys you don't understand, I really think this is my one and only chance, and if I don't take it then I'm going to lose her. And you know I don't want anyone else." I whispered.

"We understand that but we just don't think you guys are ready, and we don't want you to get hurt. I don't know if you know it or not, but I believe Bella is mentally ill." Lana said.

I looked away outside the window at her again sitting down on that hill. I started batting my eyes trying not to let the tears escape, but it's already too late I'm already crying waterfalls. Cesarp grabbed a tissue and gave it to me while placing his hand on my shoulder and I wiped them away.

"Don't cry TJ we just want what's best for you guys." He whispered.

"I-I love her so much. I know that this will work, and I know it'll save my relationship." I sobbed.

"TJ. It'll be alright, and besides do you even have a ring?" Lana asked.

I took a step back and pulled out a small heart shaped box out of my pocket, and opened it. Inside was a silver band with diamonds around it, and inside the words "My Love" are engraved in cursive. Cesaro took it from me, and examined it. 

"TJ this is beautiful. How long have you had this?" he asked.

"I've had for a while, and when I saw it I thought of her. You know when those little diamonds sparkle they remind me so much of her eyes. Her beautiful brown eyes that are like jewels." I said.

"But TJ are you sure you want to do this? how do you know that she's going to say yes?" Lana asked

"Because I can just feel it in my heart you know. I've always dreamed of asking her hand in marriage, and I feel as if that day should be today. If she says no then I will keep asking her until she says yes. You can't always give up just because someone tells you no."

I took a deep breath as Cesaro handed me the ring back, and I faced the back door touching the doorknob. When I turned the knob ready to open the door, they stopped me placing a hand on each shoulder. I turned around seeing the concerned looks in their eyes.

"TJ don't do this. You need to think about what you're doing." Cesaro whispered.

"Please. This is a lot to take in especially for Bella, I mean what if she takes it the wrong way?" Lana pleaded.

I turned my gaze towards them, and I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but I know what I'm doing, and I want to do this. I love her, and I know she loves me back. Please let me do this."

With that said I turned around and walked out the door without looking back, and without having any regrets.

~ 🌹 ~

I stood in front of Bella and I took her hand and placed a kiss on it. She looked up at me trying not to smile, and her cheeks turned red. She stood up, staring into my eyes looking completely speechless. I placed my hands on both of her cheeks, and crashed my lips against hers. I pulled back feeling her let out a small breathless gasp, and our eyes met once more. I tucked her raven hair behind her ears placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, and I took her hand squeezing it gently.

"Come with me." I whispered.

She nodded at me as I led her down towards the meadow full of pink tulips, and a small waterfall in front of it. When we got there I held both of her hands gently but tightly inside mine. Her eyes widened in surprise revealing those deep blue irises of his.

"Bella I know a lot is happening right now, and I know you're not really emotionally stable at the moment but I want you to know that I'm still in love with you. I've been in love with you since the very beginning, and I will always feel this way about you. Nothing will ever change the way I feel about you ever. You've always been the woman I fell in love with, and I'm hoping you feel the same about me. Ever since we've been together I've felt so free, without a care in the world and it's all because of you. My heart will forever belong to you, as you will forever belong to me. You hold the key to my heart, and I hold the key to yours. I'll always be here for you, through all the good and bad. I'll never leave you." I said.

I kneeled down on one knee in front of her, still holding her hand as I pulled the heart shaped box out, and opened it. She gasped covering her mouth on awe holding back her tears, as the ring shimmered in the sunlight.

"Bella Amici will you marry me?" I whispered.

Tears started falling down her face, and I can hear her heart racing let alone her blood boiling. I can hear her whimper a little trembling as I waited patiently for her answer.

"TJ I ....." She paused

"Yes Bella?" I asked.

She didn't respond to me, instead she just fell to her knees hard and wrapped her arms around me. She pulled back and crashed her lips upon mine placing both hands on my cheeks leaning against me pressing her forehead against mine. A single tear escaped from my eye when she gasped pulling back to lock her eyes onto mine. That's when she said that one word that I've been waiting for.

"Yes." She whispered.

I smiled letting more tears fall sobbing.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes TJ Perkins . I will marry you." He whispered.

I held her against me not wanting to let go, feeling her heart beating against mine, and listening to the waterfall behind us.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." She responded.

I pulled back and placed the ring on her finger, and we kissed again.

"It's beautiful." She said.

"I adore you....I adore you my Bella." I whispered in his ear.

I pulled back too look into her eyes to say it once more.

"I adore you."

~ 🌹💀🌹 ~

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