3: Getting Ready

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I wake up at 8:30 the next morning, the usual time I get up without an alarm clock. Today was the day that I was going to go check out my new possible apartment and meet my new possible roommates. To say the least, I was pretty excited but also a little nervous.

I rub my eyes and throw my legs over the side of my bed. I stretch my arms above my head once I get off of the bed, and begin to make my way out of my room and down towards the kitchen. Since I've been staying at Ainsley's place so far I have cooked us both meals. I am a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself, and Ainsley liked to eat so it's a win win both ways.

Once I get to the kitchen, I don't see Ainsley anywhere, meaning she's probably still asleep. So I get out some eggs, bacon, spinach, and bell peppers from the fridge and a frying pan from the cabinet. I planned to make us both omelettes today, so that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I begin the crack the eggs and stir them in a bowl and start the omelette.

By the time that I have it in the frying pan and the peppers, bacon, and spinach on it, Ainsley is finally up and down the stairs.

"What's for breakfast today, Gordon Ramsey?" Ainsley asks.

"Thanks for the nickname, I could get used to that one," I giggle. "And today were just having omelettes."

"Ooh, omelettes, one of my favorites," she excitedly says and rubs her hands together, making me laugh.

I slowly ease the omelette off of the frying pan and onto a plate and hand it to Ainsley.

"Here you go, your majesty," I say and jokingly bow.

"Why thank you," she says back and takes the plate out of my hands.

As I begin the second omelette, Ainsley starts talking to me.

"So are you nervous about meeting the possible new roommates today?" she asks, beginning to eat her omelette.

"I'm really excited, actually. But also a little bit nervous. I hope they'll like me and let me move in ASAP so I can stop bothering you and using up your space," I giggle.

"Darling, I love you staying over. You're like my own personal chef, and I love you cooking all my meals! It's delightful! I don't even know if I want you moving out if I get to eat like this everyday!" She exclaims, making me laugh.

"If you love me staying over this much, that means they'll probably love me too, right?" I ask nervously.

"Of course! Who wouldn't want a sexy mother fucking supermodel who can cook living in their house?" She says.

I laugh at this, and add the other ingredients into my omelette.

"I just really hope they like me, you know? And plus I've already made a friend in that apartment building that they live in so it'd be good for me to live there," I say.

"What? You made a new friend and didn't even tell me?" She shrieks.

"Sorry! It just slipped my mind yesterday! His name is David and we met at the building yesterday when I accidentally ran into him. He's super nice and said he'd introduce me to his friends sometime," I explain.

"That's so cool! Was he cute?" Ainsley asks, her tone provocative.

"He was cute in a baby way. Plus he was on his way to go on a date with his girlfriend when I bumped into him so he's taken," I laugh.

"Damn, I thought you'd be able to hook up with a new cute guy and get your find off Parker with someone different," she explains.

"Ew, no! We literally just broke up, Ains! I don't want to date anyone else it even hook up yet, we were in a serious relationship, I thought we were going to get married," I say, my tone now a little sad.

"Babe, don't get upset. You wouldn't want to be married to that douche. He doesn't deserve you," she assures me.

"I know, I know," I say, and pt my omelette on a plate.

"I just really liked him, you know? I thought he was the one, but I guess not," I shrug as I sit down next to her with my breakfast.

Ainsley rubs my back up and down in a comforting way.

"Hon, you'll know when you've found the one. Parker was not the one, your soulmate it out there somewhere waiting for you, you just have to find him," she tells me.

"I sure hope so," I say, taking a bite out of my omelette.

"By the way, it's already past 9 and I know you take forever to get ready so you better hurry your skinny little butt up and finish eating," she laughs.

I look at my phone. Shit, she's right it's already 9:30 and I still have to get ready, shower, and prepare myself and get driven to the apartment.

I quickly shovel the rest of my omelette into my mouth and send a smile to Ainsley as I rush up the stairs and towards the bathroom.

I open the door and once I'm inside I lock it behind me. I turn the shower on hot and begin to prepare myself as the water warms up. I take my hair out of its completely messed up bun I slept in and let my curly blonde hair fall down my back. I look back at my reflection in the mirror as I wipe the rest of my mascara off from under my gray eyes and begin to brush the millions of knots out of my ratty hair.

By the time I've brushed my hair out, it's frizzy and very large. I basically look like Hermione from Harry Potter with my hair. Then I quickly strip myself from my clothes and step into the steaming hot shower.

I find my shampoo and conditioner that Parker thankfully remembered to pack in the clutter of things in Ainsley's shower, and begin to put the shampoo into my hair.

I massage the liquid into my scalp, making sure to get all the grease and residue out of it before washing it all out. Then I put the conditioner in and repeat. Once I'm done with that I wash my body with Ainsley's loofa and body was since parked forgot to pack those, and I'm soon done with my shower.

I step out and put my long hair up into a to, and wrap myself in a towel. I gather up my pajamas off the floor and make my way into my room.

I put my dirty clothes into one of my suitcases and start rummaging through my one filled with clothes for a decent outfit. I manage to find a black halter tank top with a gray bralette to go with it and some high waisted ripped jeans. Sure, it wasn't very classy, but I doubt the others will be dressed up either.

I throw my towel into the laundry basket net to the door and slip into my clothes. Then I put on some deodorant and perfume that Victoria's Secret gave me for free, and take my hair out from my hair towel.

I sit down at the mirror and chair that Ainsley has so graciously lended me, and take out my bag of makeup. I decided on not doing a whole thick cake face, but a more simple routine.

I start by putting a primer on, and then layering my strong foundation over it with a beauty blender to cover my freckles.

Next I put on concealer to cover my dark circles and few blemishes, and put on some blush on my cheeks. I then fill in my eyebrows with a pencil and carve them out with concealer, and then put on some simple highlight and a little bronzer to give my face some shape. Finally I put on some mascara and spray my face with some setting spray. I look at myself in the mirror, accomplished. I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.

Then I brush my wet hair out and plug my hairdryer into an outlet. Since my hair isn't really thick it takes no time to dry out into its simple ringlet curls. I smile at myself in the mirror, satisfied with what I did, and then head over to my shoe suitcase. I decide to put on some simple black vans and slip them on.

I grab my phone off of my bed and make my way downstairs.

Since my shower was a decently long one and I took a little while doing my makeup, it was already 11 when I came downstairs.

"I want to stop at Starbucks on the way, so let's get going chica," Ainsley says, twirling her car keys around in her finger.

"Alright, I'm ready. Let's go!" I exclaim, following her outside and into her car.

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