34: Skateboarding and Filming With Kristen

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"Dakota, I will give you $30 if you go down the streets on this electric skateboard for a video," David tells me when I'm playing candy crush on my phone.

"For real?" I ask, turning my attention from my game to him.

"Yeah, for real," David says, pointing his camera at me.

"Okay, lets do it," I say, getting off the couch and pulling my shorts down a little.

"Where are you going?" Dom asks, making Scotty and Alex both turn their attention to us as David and I walk toward the door.

Kristen has sent Scott over here to pick me up and take me to the house so her and I could hang out and film a video, but Scott decided to stay for a little while and film while he was at it.

"Dakota's going to try out the electric skateboard," David says, and Scotty tapes us as we wave bye and walk out the door.

David and I walk down the stairs and outside to the streets, David holding the skateboard in his hands.

"Here's the controller, this button is to go and this one is to stop," David tells me, handing me a small controller.

"Okay, I got this," I say, adjusting my tank top a little and stepping on the skateboard. I press the forward button to go, and it starts moving. This is pretty easy, I'll admit. I was going at a slow pace, avoiding the few people on the street as I continue to go at my easy pace.

"Go faster now," David says, walking along to film me.

"Okay," I say, and press the button harder and hold it in. Suddenly, the skateboard starts going really fast and David has to run to keep up with me. I start shrieking a little as it goes really fast and I put my finger off the button to make it stop and press the stop button, but it does nothing. The skateboard keeps going forward very fast, and I couldn't do anything about it.

Then it quickly comes to a hard stop and I fall off.

"Fucking hell, Dakota. Oh my god," David says, terror on his face as he sets the camera down beside us, still recording as I hold my bloody arm and knee.

"Holy fuck, David. How did that happen?" I ask, holding my eyes closed because of the pain.

"I don't know, it must've malfunctioned or something. I'm so sorry, Dakota. I didn't know this would happen," David says genuinely.

"I don't care, it's fine. Not your fault. Get your clickbait while I'm bleeding anywhere," I laugh through the pain, and David does as I say and makes sure to get my bloody arm and leg and the skateboard in as he films.

"Alright, let's get you back to the apartment," David says, slinging his camera onto his back and picking me up, not bothering with taking the skateboard with us.

He carries me down the street and back toward the apartment building. We slowly make our way inside and David walks into the elevator.

"Alex is going to freak out," I say into David's shirt, tears falling down my face from the pain.

"Yeah, I know," David says, his grip tightening around me.

Soon enough I hear the elevator ding and we walk out. We make our way down the hall and David struggles opening the door to our apartment, but we somehow get inside and walk towards the kitchen.

"David, what the fuck?" I hear Alex yell.

"She fell," David simply says, setting me on the kitchen counter. I sit up and wipe the tears from my face, and Alex immediately gets the first aid kit and Scotty comes over and films what's happening.

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