42: Vlog Squad Vacation

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"I need you two to sit down in the bathtub and let me blindfold you," David tells Alex and I the next morning when we're laying on the couch watching tv.

"Oh hell no. Not again," I say, not moving from my position cuddled up in Alex's side.

"David please. I'm going to have PTSD after all of this," Alex sighs.

"Come on, for the vlog. Please?" David pleads.

"I can't believe I'm fucking doing this," I shake my head, but get up off the couch anyways. I reach for Alex's hand and pull him up off the couch with me.

"Here are your blindfolds," David says, handing us two beanies and leading us to the bathroom.

David gets us situated in the tub and we put the hats on our heads and pull them over our eyes.

"Liza! Bring it in," David yells, and I start to shake.

"Is it a fucking animal? David I can't do this I'm taking the hat off," I say and reach for the beanie.

"No! Come on Dakota," David says and I sigh. "Just put your hands out."

I put my hands out, and then feel a bunch of wet, squishy objects get dumped on me.

"Ew David what the fuck," Alex yells, and I jump out of the bathtub and rip the hat off my head.

"They're just oranges," David laughs, and Liza laughs beside him too.

"Fuck you David I thought it was something so much worse," I shake my head.

"Alright all jokes aside here's the real surprise," David says, handing us two white envelopes.

Alex and I look skeptically at each other before taking them out of his hands.

"I'm going to open it and there's going to be a bunch of ants or something in it, right? Or a scorpion or something," I say, holding the envelope away from me.

"No theres no animals in it, I promise," David laughs.

Alex and I both hold the envelopes away from us as we open them, only to reveal a piece of paper.

Once we realize there's nothing bad in it, we pull them closer to us and then read them.

"No. This is some kind of joke right?" Alex says in disbelief, looking at David.

"No, I swear. All of the vlog squad is going to Florida for a vacation!" David exclaims.

"So these are real plane tickets?" I ask, still not really believing him.

"Yes, they're real," David laughs.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I say, running over and hugging him.

"And thank you too, Liza, I guess," I laugh and hug her too.

"I mean I didn't do anything but I'll still take a hug," Liza laughs and hugs both Alex and I.

"This is the best surprise you've given us, David," I giggle.

"I know, right?" David laughs.

"Also we leave tomorrow night so," he adds.

"Really, David? Talk about leaving things until the last minute," Alex says.

"I know, I know. You two were the last I had to do this to, though. I got everyone yesterday and the day before," David says.

"Oh, the best for last, huh?" I laugh.

"I mean you can think of it that way," David laughs.

"How long are we staying?" Alex asks as David turns off his camera.

"Only three days. We have a beach house and there's a boardwalk right where we're staying, so it'll be a good time," David explains.

"Thanks for doing this, David," I say sincerely and David laughs.

"No need to thank me, just go and get packing!" David exclaims, pushing us out of the bathroom.

"Okay, okay!" Alex laughs, and we both make our way to our room.

"This is literally the nicest thing that David has ever done for us," I chuckle as soon as we walk into our room and close the door behind us.

"I know, right? And we're going to Florida, too. Maybe we can visit some of your family while we're out there, like the twins," Alex suggests as he drags out both of our suitcases from our closet.

"Hey, I didn't even think of that! That's a great idea! I miss the twins so much, maybe I can convince their dad to take them out to where we're staying so we can see them," I think, as I grab my suitcase from Alex and start to pack my clothes.

"That's so weird that we were just talking to them the other day and now we might actually be seeing them soon," Alex grins, shaking his head.

"I know, right? What a weird coincidence," I giggle.

"And being out in Florida will be really nice. I think after everything that's been happing and all the vloging and videos it'll be good to have a couple days vacation," Alex says, packing now too.

"Yeah it will be really nice to get away from everything. It's been really hectic with all the videos and everything, I think everyone needs a little vacation to be honest," I agree, finishing packing my underwear and socks and now moving onto packing my outfits.

"Plus we'll all be there together, too, so that'll be really fun," Alex points out.

"I know, I'm so excited to be seeing Scott and Todd and Kristen again. I honestly miss hanging out with them so much. I don't know why I don't do it more often," I shrug.

"Todd and I are actually pretty close, you know. We don't seem like it but we're pretty good friends," Alex shrugs, packing his clothes now too.

"Really? I never really see you two talk," I say, surprised.

"Yeah, if you watch some of Todd's videos you'll see," Alex tells me.

"Well if we both get along with Todd well then we should hang out with him more. I miss him," I say.

"Are you sure the only reason you like hanging out with him and miss him isn't because you kissed him before?" Alex jokes, laughing as he says so.

"Hey! It was a dare from David and also it was my first night here so I didn't even know you!" I defend myself, laughing.

"I know, I know," Alex laughs. "But I am a better kisser, right?"

"Of course you are," I giggle, leaning over my suitcase to playfully hit his arm.

"Okay, I guess I'll take it," Alex says and zips up his suitcase.

I roll my eyes at him, and smile. He walks over to me and gives me a light peck on the cheek before walking out of our room to leave me to finish packing by myself.

I manage to pack all of my hair supplies, toiletries, and makeup (along with Alex's things which he forgot, of course) within the next hour or so. As soon as I'm done, I walk out into the living room where the three boys are playing with Jasper and Bailey on the floor.

"Well, what do we have here?" I say, walking over to them and standing over them.

"They're best friends," Alex whispers, watching as they boop noses, making them all awe.

"I have honestly never seen three grown men be this interested in a puppy and a bunny," I laugh, watching as they stare intently at the two animals chasing each other around.

"They're so cute, we can't help it," David protests, still watching, as I laugh.

I shouldn't be the one complaining, because honestly, I'm interested too. I sit down with the three of them and play with the puppy and bunny too, aweing along with them whenever they do something cute. To be honest, I don't blame them for doing it, it was adorable.

I lean my head against Alex's shoulder and he puts his arm around me as we watch our pets chase and play with each other. And honestly, I couldn't think of a more pure, perfect moment.

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