41: Cutting My Hair

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(Look at this for reference as to her new hair length^^)

"I want to go get my hair cut," I tell Alex the next day, after we had gotten up and got dressed.

"Wait, seriously? Right now?" Alex asks me, surprised.

"Yes. Right now. I can't deal with my long hair anymore, and I think I need a change," I say, feeling the ends of my hip length blonde, curly hair.

"Are you sure? This is a very impulsive decision, don't you think you should think about it a little before you do it?" Alex asks, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"My hair has always been a sort of safety blanket for me, Alex. I think it's time to get rid of it and start being confident with myself for once. If I don't do it now when I want to, I probably never will," I tell him.

"If you want to, I'll take you. Just tell me you're absolutely sure about this and I will," Alex says.

"I'm absolutely sure," I say, nodding my head.

"Then let's go," Alex urges me on, walking out of our room and toward the door.

He picks up his keys off the table and I grab my camera, and soon we're out the door.

I had called the hair salon early this morning when I first had the idea to cut my hair, and made sure they had an opening (which they did).

As soon as we get into the car and I give Alec the address to my hair salon, I start vlogging.

"Hey guys, so I'm feeling very impulsive today and I decided to cut my hair. I've had long hair for quite a while now, I don't think I've had hair shorter than boob length since I was in like second grade or so. But today I decided it was time to chop it off and try something new. My long hair has always been a security blanket for me since it covered most of my body and helped me hide, and I think it's time that I step out of my comfort zone and stop acting like I'm confident and instead start actually being confident," I tell the camera.

"I'm proud of you, babe," Alex says and kisses my cheek.

"Thank you, I honestly am too," I say and smile at him.

"But anyways we're off to go get my hair cut now and I'm going to trust Alex with my camera so he can film it and I can have you guys on this scary but thrilling journey with me," I inform the camera.

"You'll do a good job, right?" I ask Alex, turning towards him.

"Yes, I will. I promise," Alex assures me.

"So Alex says he'll do a good job but if he doesn't I'll be really upset because this is a one take thing," I laugh.

"I will do a good job! I swear on my life," Alex tells me.

"Okay, okay," I giggle and grab his hand.

"But anyways, we'll see you guys at the hair salon," I say and put my camera away.

"Are you nervous?" Alex asks me.

"A little," I admit.

"Will you still like me if I have short hair?" I ask, scared of his answer.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I?" Alex answers, squeezing my hand.

"I don't know, maybe I'll be ugly with shorter hair or something and you'll want to break up with me after," I explain, listening to how nervous and stupid I sound.

"You'll look just as beautiful as you do now. Plus, you'll never be ugly to be no matter what you look like, and I'll never break up with you just because of your looks. I love you for who you are, not what you look like," Alex tells me, and I feel my heart jump a little.

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