18: Coming out About Us Video

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The night of our date, Alex and I decide on telling the boys the next morning. We were tired of keeping us a secret, and joe that were finally dating, we thought it was time to tell everyone and not be a secret anymore. We sit both Dom and David down on the couch, and make sure that neither of them are secretly recording before breaking the news to them.

"Okay so, as of last night Alex and I are together," I tell them.

"But you can't go on and text the rest of the squad or anything because you two are the first to know," Alex informs them.

"I fucking knew it! You owe me $50 David!" Dom exclaims, jumping off the couch.

"Damn it, guys. You couldn't have waited another couple of weeks?" David days, reaching into his wallet and handing Dom $50.

"You guys seriously made a bet on us?" I ask.

"Of course we did. You two were so obviously into each other so we bet on how long it'd take you to date," Dom shrugs, shoving the money into his pocket.

Alex and I both roll our eyes at each other and laugh a little bit at our friends stupidness.

"But if you're going to fuck, please don't fucking do it while we're in the house," Dom pleads.

"Too late," Alex jokes, and I punch him in the arm.

"We haven't fucked, and we certainly won't do it when you two are in the house," I say, clearing up the situation.

"Ew, this is disgusting I don't want to hear about your sex life. I'm outta here," David says, taking his car keys off of the coffee table and heading out of the door.

"I have a feeling you guys want to fuck right now. Should I leave too?" Dom asks.

"No! Oh my god we're not going to fuck!" I exclaim.

"Yet," Alex butts in.

I punch him in the arm again, and Dom makes puking noises as I drag Alex into our room with my camera in my hand.

"Ew, you guys are going to fuck and film it, too?" Dom asks, seeing my camera in my hand.

"We're not going to fuck! We're filming a video for my channel," I say, and walk into our room and shut and lock the door behind us.

"We're filming a video?" Alex asks.

"Do you want to tell my subscribers about us? We can finally no have to be secretive anymore, not even in our friends videos and stuff," I say, running my hand up and down his bare arm. I can almost see the shivers run through his body when I say this, and he blatantly agrees.

I find the tripod in the corner of our room and set it up. Then, I quickly throw on a bra and one of Alex's hoodies, not caring that I didn't have a lick of makeup on and my hair was up in a messy bun.

I set up the tripod and my camera aimed towards Alex's bed, and we both sit down next to each other. I pull out the necklace Alex gave me last night from inside my shirt and make it visible to the camera on my body.

I send a quick look over to Alex, silently asking if he's ready, and he nods so I turn the camera on and sit back down next to him.

"Hey guys, Kota here with the one and only Alex Ernst," I start off, and Alex smiles and waves.

"So today we're going to be filming a video answering the question that so many of you want to know, I'm going to insert just a few of the thousands of comments asking if Alex and I are dating right now," I inform the camera.

I turn to look at Alex, and he looks at me.

"Do you want to start explaining?" I ask him, and he shrugs.

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