22: Airport

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The next morning, Alex and I start to pack.

We got a ticket to leave after a week of staying in Florida, so we both decided to only bring one suitcase each.

I packed a couple different outfit changes, shoes, underwear, toiletries, a book, headphones, a blanket, an extra pair of contacts since I was currently wearing my glasses, and decide to bring my makeup just Incase, even though I probably wouldn't be wearing it much since I'd be crying a lot. For the flight, I put on a pair of black leggings and put on one of Alex's gray hoodies he's been letting me "borrow" even though he knows I'm not going to give it back.

I throw on a pair of Adidas slides over my socks and wait near the door for Alex to finish up packing.

David was going to drive us to the airport so that we didn't have to leave Alex's car at the airport for the whole four days we were going to be gone, so as soon as Alex finished up all three of us walked out the door and towards David's car in the parking garage.

We were all silent during this walk, knowing that this wasn't some fun, spontaneous trip and something so be laughing and happy about.

Alex let me sit in the front of the car out of pity, and all three of us got into the car still in silence.

"Guys, you don't have to be quiet just because you feel bad for me," I point out as we start driving off.

"We're not silent because we feel bad, I think it's just because we don't know what to say without making it sound depressing," David shrugs.

"Can we just act like everything is normal? I already feel bad enough as it is and it's just weird that we're all not joking around and laughing like we usually do," I point out.

"I think I have just the thing," David says.

And so, David turns up the radio and looks at me, starting to dance in his seat and sing along to the song that's playing. His horrible dancing and singing skills make me giggle, and soon enough Alex and I join in with him. This lightens the situation by a thousand times, making me seem genuinely happy for the first time since my dad called.

We continue to do this for the next few songs, before David gasps and the starts laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh my god," he laughs, confusing Alex and I.

I turn down the radio and then turn to David. "Why are you laughing?" I ask him.

David points to his camera on his dash.

"My camera was on the whole time," David giggles, and we all are suddenly aware of the red light letting us know that the camera is filming.

"Oh my god, was it really? David, please don't post that anywhere," Alex begs, and we all laugh.

"I'm going to post that everywhere," David laughs, and turns off his camera.

"I hate you," Alex grumbles, and David and I both laugh.


David had dropped Alex and I off at the airport about half an hour ago, leaving us enough time to get through security and get our luggage checked.

We finished those things about five minutes ago and we are currently getting onto our plane now. I adjust my glasses on my face as we walk into the plane and towards our seats.

Alex puts our suitcases in the above head compartment and we slide into our seats beside each other.

I put my hands in between my thighs, trying to hide that fact that they were shaking so terribly. But, my attempt to be inconspicuous about it fails and Alex immediately notices and takes his hand in mine.

"What are you worried about, babe?" Alex asks looking at me, his eyes filled with concern.

"I just-I just love my mom so much and it sucks that I have to fly all the way home for the first time since I moved to see her before she dies. She's my mom, Alex. And I haven't seen her in over a year and I feel so, so shitty about it. And to make it worse, I'm only going to see her when she's about to die," I say, a tear making its way down my cheek.

Alex wipes the tear from my face and leans in, kissing my nose, making me feel a little better and more secured.

"It's okay, Kota. Don't feel bad. I'm sure she'll understand and be fine with it. She's you mom, she loves you," Alex assures me.

I nod my head and try to calm myself down a little. Alex helps by pulling me into him and putting his arms around me, making me feel safer and much better.

I take in a deep breath, and suddenly become a lot calmer. Alex is right. My mom will understand, and it's not my fault that my job requires me to stay in L.A. most of the time. She's the most understanding person I've ever met, and I just know that she will forgive me.

"Hey, I love you," Alex says, leaning down and kissing my lips.

"I love you too," I smile and say back.

But little does he know that I don't just love him. I am completely and utterly in love with him.

I bite my lip at this thought, wondering if he feels the same way about me. Maybe he doesn't yet, but I have a good feeling that he will soon enough. Pushing these thoughts away, I rest my head on Alex's shoulder as he still hold me close.

On the airplane tv in front of us, Alex has chosen for us to watch Titanic, no surprise there.

I snuggle my head further into his chest, and my eyelids start to droop a little. The night before I didn't sleep at all after I heard the news about my mom, only cuddled with Alex as he slept. So, it was no surprise that I was incredibly tired.

The flight from L.A. to Miami would be five hours, leaving me that long to catch up on my sleep before I see my family for the first time in a year.

I leave a simple, tender kiss on Alex's cheek before cuddling into him and slowly falling into a deep sleep.

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