38: Seeing Alex

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Later that day Todd helps me collect my thing and drives me back to the apartment. I feel a sudden sadness as we get there, as seeing the elevator and the building fills me with memories.

"Call me if things don't go well and you need me to pick you up, okay? Good luck," Todd tells me, giving me a hug from across the console.

"Thanks, Todd. For everything. It means so much to m," I say, honestly.

"No problem, Kota," Todd says, and I wave bye to him as I get out of the car with my suitcase and walk towards the elevator.

Going up the elevator and walking down the call seems to take a million years, and my heart aches with pain as I realize what I'm doing.

I stand at the door of the apartment and knock. A few moments pass before I see David answer the door.

"Dakota," He says, almost like he doesn't believe its actually me.

'I'm here to see Alex," I simply say, and David nods and step out of my way. I set my suitcase down in the living room and look around.

The apartment looked so much darker and less lively than I remembered it. But then again, ever since I lost Alex everything seemed duller and less colorful. Everywhere I looked I saw him, and it was like my world lost its color. I never believed people when they said that when you're in love, everything become brighter and so much happier, but now I realize how true that really is.

I walk down the hall quietly to Alex's door and knock on it.

"Go away, David. I'm not fucking getting out of bed or going to do anything. I already told you that a thousand times and my answer hasn't changed," I hear Alex's voice yell out, deeper than it was before, as if he was crying. My heart jumped at the sound of his voice and I tried to swallow it down.

"It's not David," I say softly.

I hear him get off of the bed and walk slowly to the door. The door opens as if it is in slow motion, and soon I'm face to face with Alex again.

I look up and take him all in. I take in his bloodshot eyes, dark circles under his eyes, unruly hair, and growing stubble. I take in the way his eyes glisten as he looks at me, and how his mouth parts in surprise.

"Dakota?" He asks, softly.

"I came back for an explanation. I just needed to cool off and think about everything before I did," I tell him, and he lets me inside our room. I walk inside and take everything. I see my blanket on his bed and a shirt of mine there, too. I see my bed wrinkled in, as if someone had been sleeping there. I see the thousands of tissues scattered around Alex's bed and the few beer bottles there too.

We both sit down on my be, facing each other before Alex begins to talk.

"I wasn't cheating on you," he starts, his voice shaky and nervous.

"Corinna came here crying, looking for you. I was getting ready to go to bed and I had just gotten out of the shower when she came. I was the only one home, so I let her in since she cried about how she needed someone. I let her inside and I took her into our room. We both sat on my bed and she told me all about how she had been stood up on her date with the cashier boy from Panera, and how she had almost gotten raped on her way home since she walked. She had gotten jumped walking home and they were taking her into the alley way, telling her how they were going to rape her when a policeman came and arrested the two men. I had held her and comforted her, and somewhere after that we both had fallen asleep, I guess. I'm so sorry, Dakota. I'm sorry I let her sleep in the bed with me, I'm sorry for losing you, I'm sorry about everything. I've been so lost ever since I lost you. I need you, Dakota. I can't even bring myself t get out of bed anymore, and my heart hurts so bad without you here," Alex says, crying.

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