13: The First Kiss

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When I wake up after falling asleep in the car, I am in my bed covered with my blanket. I guess I might've woken up and got my blanket out of my suitcase and just forgot, or one of the boys carried me.

I yawn and stretch my arms, taking a look at the time. We got off our flight at 2 and now it's 3:30.

I get up off of my bed and make my way out of my room and into the living room where the boys are.

"Finally, the sleeping beauty awakens," Dom jokes, and they all look at me.

I smile and roll my eyes at him.

"How'd you sleep, Kota?" David asks.

"Good. I feel pretty refreshed right now," I admit, taking a seat next to David.

"Good, because we're taking you out to Buffalo Wild Wings for a welcome back dinner tonight and we need you awake for that," David says.

"You guys don't have to do that," I say, flattered.

"Don't worry, we want to," Alex says, smiling at me.

I thank them and then reach my hand into their chip bowl in between them all. They had some criminal investigation show on, and all of them seemed very intrigued by it.

"What time is it?" Dom asks.

"Uh, it's quarter to 4," David answers, checking his watch.

"Oh shit I forgot I have a date at four," Dom exclaims, jumping off the couch and rushing into his room. We laugh at his forgetfulness, and watch as he frantically runs around the apartment getting his things together.

"David, drive me?" Dom asks desperately.

"For real? Dom, come on," David sighs.

"I'm almost late please?" Dom begs.

"Fine, But this is the last time I'm ever doing something for you," David gives in, and the two of them leave in a rush, leaving me and Alex by ourselves.

I move over on the couch so I'm sitting right next to him as soon as I hear the door close, and lean my head on his chest.

Alex wraps an arm around my shoulders and leans into me as I do to him.

I take notice of the butterflies flying throughout my stomach and the way my skin tingles wherever it's touching him.

It's time, Kota. Just tell him or something. You're all alone, and laying together on the couch. Just do something!

"Did you carry me in from the car?" I finally ask, looking up at Alex's face.

"Yeah, you seemed really tired and I didn't want to wake you," Alex tells me, his cheeks blushing a little bit as he does so.

"Thank you," I say, smiling at him.

"Of course," he says, smiling back at me.

I turn my body so that I'm facing him instead of laying with my back on his chest, and look him in the eyes.

He looks a little confused, but I can see his dilated pupils staring right back at my eyes. His pupils are so big that his bright blue eyes almost seem black, and I look straight into them.

I can feel his hot breath on my lips as I slowly lean in a little bit, or faces in such close proximity that they're almost touching.

I stop as my lips are just hovering over his, not more than a millimeter apart. I put my hands into Alex's hair, and bring his face into mine so that we're finally kissing.

His hot lips move against my cold ones, sending shivers and sparks throughout my veins. I never felt any of these amazing and euphoric feelings when I kissed Parker. Is this what Ainsley meant when she said I would know?

I through the thought away as I swing my leg over Alex's thigh and straddle him, his hands now on my waist and mine tangled in his hair, pulling a little bit.

The slow kiss quickly turns into a quick, heated makeover session after a couple seconds. My skin turns hot all around as we continue to kiss, and finally Alex stands up, his hands now under my butt, and carries us into our bedroom.

He lays me down onto his bed and hovers over me, our lips not parting since I kissed him until this second.

I watch as he pulls away, taking a moment to look over my face and let his eyes trail down my body before reconnecting our lips once more.

I lace my fingers together behind his neck and pull him close so that our chests are touching, and we continue to kiss until I need to pull away for some air.

I look Alex in the eyes when I pull away, but of us gasping for air.

"You have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting to do that for," Alex grins, making me laugh.

"I was so fucking scared you'd reject me though, so I never did," Alex says, rolling off of on top of me so he can lay beside me.

"Why were you scared? I like you and I have for a while, I just never realized it," I say, turning on my side to face Alex and grabbing one of his hands to intertwine it with mine.

"Thank god, this is the best fucking day ever," Alex admits, unable to keep a huge grin from forming on his face.

"But since were not official yet and everything let's just keep us on the down low okay? Don't tell Dom or anyone, especially David. You already knows he'd use us as clickbait. And we can kiss and cuddle and everything, just in private, okay? At least until we go on a few dates and decide if we actually want to be in a relationship together or not," I tell Alex.

Alex nods and leans his face down towards mine to give me a peck.

"But is it okay if we make out again? Because that was really fucking nice," Alex laughs, causing me to laugh with him.

I put my arms around his neck and pull his face down to meet mine, and we begin to kiss and roll around on his bed again, relishing the feeling of our lips together and finally being able to kiss.

Suddenly, the sound of the front door slamming and David coming into the house yelling "Where are you guys?" Forces Alex go push me off of him and I fall of his bed and onto the floor.

"Fuck, Alex!" I say through gritted teeth.

Suddenly David bursts through our door, and starts laughing as soon as he sees me on the floor.

"What happened here?" David asks, of course having his vlog camera out as he says this.

"We were just... taking a nap and then you scared the shit out of me when you came home and I woke up and accidentally pushed Kota onto the floor," Alex shrugs, and holds out a hand to help me get off the floor.

I grab Alex's hand and when I stand up I rub my back where I fell on.

"I don't think you'd get that form just napping together," David says, gesturing to Alex's boner.

David and I laugh at Alex as his face gets all red and he uses a pillow to cover it up.

"It just happens sometimes, okay?" Alex says, defensively.

"I guess we should leave so you can fix that," I say, starting to walk towards the door with David.

"Guess you better," Alex says, sending me a glare on my way out.

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