35: Caught Cheating

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I spent most of the night with Scott and Kristen, and then Todd when he came home from a party. I ended up staying over their house until a little past midnight, before Todd suggested he take me home and I agreed.

So that leaves us where we are now, parked in the parking garage of my apartment building.

"I'll wait down here until you get up there safely. Text me when you're up there and all good, okay?" Todd tells me.

"You don't have to do that, Todd. I'll be okay," I tell him.

"I want to. Don't worry about it, it's nothing if I just stay here until you're up there," Todd says, and I sigh and nod.

"Thanks for driving me, Todd," I tell him.

"No problem," Todd smiles, and I get out of his car and close the door behind me.

I wave at him as I walk towards the elevator and get inside. I make my way up the elevator and into my apartment. I unlock the door and make my way into the dark, quiet apartment.

I quietly shut the door behind me and put my keys on the counter and take off my shoes.

Careful not to make any noise, I tiptoe down the hallway and slowly open my door. I'm surprised to see the nightstand light still on, and then my eyes stop on Alex's bed. My hand flies to my mouth and I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Alex?" I say in disbelief, looking at him and Corinna in the bed we usually sleep in together.

Alex jerks up in his bed and a look of terror and anxiety overcomes his face.

"Dakota, this isn't what it looks like," he says, getting out of the bed as Corinna wakes up and looks scared as she sees me too.

Alex comes towards me and I shake my head as I back up, crying.

"Don't fucking come near me, you asshole. We're over, Alex. I can't believe you'd fucking do something like this," I let out, continuing to cry.

"Dakota, please don't do this. Let me explain, I promise it's not what you think," Alex says, now crying too.

"Oh, I can fucking tell when you're cheating on me with one of my best friends, Alex. Don't try to bullshit me," I let out.

"Dakota, please don't break up with me. Just let me explain," Alex pleads, now crying as hard as me.

"It's too late for that now, Alex. We're over," I tell, running out of the room and grabbing my keys and my shoes.

"Dakota, wait!" Alex yells after me, following me out.

"Just fucking let it go, Alex. This is all your fault, just accept that we're broken up and deal with it!" I scream, walking out the door and slamming it behind me.

I run down the hall and immediately get into the elevator. I immediately whip out my phone and text Todd.

Me: You're still in the lot, right?

Toddy: Yeah, is everything okay?

Me: No, Alex and I just broke up. I need somewhere to stay. Can you take me back to your place?

Toddy: Yes of course. I'll be waiting outside the elevator for you

I put my phone back into my pocket as the elevator dings and I walk out, still sobbing. I see Todd now out of his car waiting for me outside the elevator with his arms outstretched toward me. I immediately walk right into his arms, needing the comfort.

I hold him tight against me, him doing the same to me.

"What happened?" He asks, his voice soft and gentle.

"H-h-he cheated o-on me," I choke out in between cries.

"No he fucking didn't," Todd says in disbelief.

"H-he did," I confirm it.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of him. With who?" Todd asks.

"Corinna," I let out softly.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Let's get you into the car and you can tell me about it once we're in there," Todd says and we break apart and he helps me into the car and he gets in as well. Once he starts driving, he starts talking again.

"How'd you find out?" Todd asks.

"Alex was shirtless with Corinna in bed and they were sleeping together. In the bed that we sleep in every fucking night," I say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"He's such an asshole. Just wait until I fucking see him again," Todd says, clenching his teeth and his grip tightening on the steering wheel.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, Todd. We live together for fucks sake. I'm in love with him. We talked about getting married and having kids, Todd. We were serious. How did it fucking end up like this?" I ask, still crying a little.

"You can stay in my room until we figure this all out, okay? I can sleep on the couch or on the floor or something and you can have my bed," Todd tells me.

"You don't have to do this, Todd," I tell him, wiping my eyes.

"I want to, Dakota. You're my friend and I want to do this for you," Todd tells me.

"Thank you, Todd. So much. I don't know what I would've done if you didn't drive me home and then wait for me. I'd be fucking lost right now," I say, sniffling.

"It's no problem, Kota. Just relax, we're almost home," Todd says, and I take a few deep breaths and calm myself down.

By the time we reach the house and Todd parks the car, I've managed to stop crying and get my breathing almost completely normal. Todd gets out of the car and opens my door for me, and I quietly thank him as I get out of his car and we walk into the house together.

Todd let's me in first and then he leads me in to his room.

"You can have my bed. I'll sleep on the couch, okay?" Todd tells me, and I'm too tired to argue so I just nod.

"We'll figure this all out tomorrow, okay? Everything will be alright soon," Todd tells me and pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and he sets a comforting kiss on my forehead.

"I can tell you're tired. Do you want some of my clothes to sleep in?" Todd asks me, taking note of my jean shorts and tight tank top. I nod and he gets me a pair of gray sweatpants and a plain black T-shirt from his closet and hands them to me.

"I'm going to go to the couch now, okay? Don't think too much and get some rest," Todd tells me.

"Thanks Todd," I croak out as he walks out the door and shuts it behind him.

Once he's out, I slowly strip myself from my tight clothing until I'm in my underwear. Then, I take off my bra and put it in the pile of clothes and then put Todd's clothes over myself.

Then, once I'm dressed, I turn off the lights in the bedroom and crawl into Todd's bed under the covers.

I push all of the thoughts and overthinking out of my head, and finally close my eyes and cuddle up under the blanket over me.

Slowly, despite my aching heart, I fall asleep.

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