37: Baking With Todd

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A little over a week after Alex and I's break up, I finally calm down enough to emerge from my cave in Todd's room and muster up enough courage to film a video with Todd for my channel.

I had to seem happy and provide my fans with content, since they were catching on about me being very out of it. After the incident at the movie theater, one of the girls posted the picture of us on Instagram with a caption explaining how I looked miserable and got all upset whenever Alex was mentioned, and even how I left suddenly and seemed like I was going to cry. The fans started to speculate break up rumors and began to realize how inactive Alex and I had both become recently.

David had texted me multiple times asking me to come home and talk to Alex, telling me how depressed he had become and how he didn't leave his room ever except to use the bathroom. He even told me how they had to bring him food or he wouldn't eat. I felt bad, of course, but I had become the same way. I never left Todd's room and he was always in there with me when he was home, providing me with food and making me laugh occasionally.

But now, finally, after a while of staying out of human contact and cameras, I had dressed nice, put on makeup, and was ready to film a video with Todd.

He had gone shopping and got us ingredients to make cupcakes, which is what we are doing for my video.

"Hey guys, Dakota here, and today I'm here with," I say to the camera and gesture to Todd.

"Todd!" He exclaims, and we laugh.

"Today we're going to be baking cupcakes! These probably aren't going to turn out that great, but we have three volunteers who agreed to do a taste test when we're done, aka Kristen, Scott, and Jason, right guys?" I ask the three of them who are currently all sitting on the couch playing Mario Kart.

"No," They all say in unison, and Todd and I laugh.

"Okay so first we pre heat the oven to 350 degrees," I say, and walk over to the oven and do so.

"Now we put the flour, baking powder, and salt together and mix it," Todd says, and I measure the ingredients since I know he'd mess it up.

I let Todd pour the ingredients into the mixing bowl and mix them together with a whisk.

"Now we beat together the sugar and butter," I say, and Todd pulls out the beater.

"I really don't trust you with that," I laugh, pulling it out of his hands.

"Come on, Kota. I can do it, I promise," Todd assures me and I sigh.

"Fine, fine. But if our cupcakes turn out trashy because of you I'm going to be mad," I threaten, and Todd starts beating the nutter and sugar together. He beats them very agressively, but it works and makes them light and fluffy like the ingredients say.

"Okay now we put the eggs in one at a time," I say, and crack the egg and put it into the bowl as Todd keeps mixing.

"Damn it, Dakota. I see an eggshell," Todd says after I put the first egg in, and stops beating.

"There is not," I protest, and watch as Todd pulls out an eggshell I can barely see its so small.

"Oh my god, guys," I say, taking the eggshell and showing it to the camera. "Todd is mad at me for getting an eggshell this big into the batter"

"It could ruin the whole thing," Todd mocks me, and I hit his arm, making him laugh.

"Just keep mixing," I tell him, and he does. I crack the second egg, careful not to get any eggshells in this time, and put it into the mixture.

"Now the vanilla extract, right?" Todd asks, and I nod.

I put in a teaspoon of vanilla extract and Todd continues to mix.

"Now you keep mixing and I pour in the flour mixture," I say, and Todd nods.

"Don't fuck this up, Todd," I joke and Todd scoffs.

I begin to pour in the dry ingredients, and I watch as Todd focuses and continues to mix.

"Now milk," Todd says, and I measure a half cup of milk an pour it in. I let Todd mix everything together and wait until it looks even before pouring in the rest of the dry ingredients.

I watch as Todd beats the mixture until its even and fluffy.

"Now we put in the cupcake liners," Todd points out, and grabs the dinosaur cupcake liners.

"I got dinosaur liners because I thought they were cool," Todd tells the camera and I laugh.

Once Todd puts the liners into the tin, I start to put our batter evenly into each cup. Soon enough, we have them all done and Todd gets the oven mitts out. He grabs our tin and puts it into the oven, setting a timer for 25 minutes.

"Okay now we just have to wait," I say, and Todd grabs the mixing bowl.

"I have dibs on eating the left over batter," He says.

"Hey! No fair! I want to try it," I pout as Todd sticks his fingers in and eats it.

"You want to try some, huh?" Todd asks me, and I nod.

"Well here you go," Todd says, taking a finger full of batter and putting it on my face.

"I hate you," I say, crinkling my nose.

"Here, here. You can actually taste some," Todd says, handing me the bowl. I eat some of it, and surprisingly we did a pretty good job.

"Tastes good, right?" Todd asks me, and I nod.

"Its really good for you mixing the batter," I joke, and Todd rolls his eyes.

"Anyways, now we have to wait or the cupcakes to be done baking and then we have to have them cool before we put our lame store bought icing on since we were too lazy to make it homemade, so we'll see you guys then," I say.


"Okay guys, so its about an hour and a half later and its time to put on the icing now," I say, and Todd takes out the blue icing tin we have.

Todd and I take two spoons and begin to put the icing down on the cupcakes, sneaking tastes of the icing as we go. Soon, we have our beautiful vanilla cupcakes finished.

"Ready to try them, taste testers?" I call out to Kristen, Scott, and Jason who are still on the couch.

"Not really, anything Todd makes can't be that good," Jason says, and we all laugh.

"Hey! I can bake stuff and have it taste good!" Todd protests.

"Really? Remember when you tried to make that cake for me for my birthday and it ended up being spongy and completely disgusting?" Scott says, and Todd sighs.

"We don't dwell on the past, Scott. Plus, I had Dakota help me this time," Todd points out.

"Okay, fine," Jason says, and all three of them give in.

I hand them each a cupcake and they all unwrap it and dig in.

"Wow, guys. These are actually really good!" Kristen exclaims, continuing to eat hers.

"How can something Todd make possibly end up tasting this good?" Scott asks, and Todd and I laugh

All three of them end up finishing theirs, and we all do the outro together.

"Thanks for watching guys, give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe if you enjoyed it. I'll leave the links to these guys channels and social medias below, so be sure to check them out if you haven't already. Bye!" I say, and we all wave to the camera.

II turn off the camera, and then sit down on the couch with the other four. As I sit I realize something. For the first time since the breakup, I feel truly happy. I've been moaping around ever since it happened, but now, I feel calm and cooled off. So I know I'm finally ready now. I'm finally ready to go and talk to Alex.

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