6: Welcome Party

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"Hey! I'm Liza! You're beautiful," a brown girl says as she comes straight toward me.

"Oh my god, I'm beautiful? You're like a freaking goddess!" I exclaim, and she brings me into a hug.

"I'm Dakota, by the way but you can call me Kota. I'm the boys new roommate," I introduce myself.

"Wow, finally another girl for Kristen, Corinna, and I to hang out with around all these boys," Liza says and I giggle.

"I have a feeling we'll get along well," I confidently tell her.

"So do I," she says.

"Hey, I'm Kristen. You must be Kota, right? David just told me about you," a brown haired girl with a nose ring comes up and introduces herself.

"Yeah, I'm Kota. Nice to meet you!" I tell her.

"You're so pretty! I'm glad there's another girl around here. Someone's gotta keep those boys in check, you know?" Kristen nudges me.

"Oh I know. Just after spending a few hours with these dumbasses and I can tell," I laugh, and they laugh right along with me.

"We should introduce you to Corinna! She's right over there," Kristen says, gesturing to a gorgeous blonde haired girl in the corner talking to a tall good looking guy I haven't met yet.

Liza grabs my hand and drags me over to the girl.

"Corinna! This is Kota. She's the boys new roommate," Liza introduces us.

"Hey, nice to meet you," I say.

"Nice to meet you, too! Finally we have another girl around here!" She exclaims, just as the other two had. Man, it must be tiring being around all these boys if they all feel this way about them.

"Oh, and Kota, this is Toddy," Liza says, introducing me to the tall good looking boy Corinna was talking to.

"Hey," Toddy says to me.

"Hi," I say back and wave a little.

"How'd those three dorks get such a good looking girl to live with them?" Toddy asks, and I laugh.

"I don't know, I guess they cast some dungeons and dragons spell on my or some shit to make me decide to live here," I joke, making all six of us laugh.

"She's funny and good looking,? Damn, those boys got a real catch here living with them," Toddy says and I smile at him as a thank you.

"Hey, Kota! I've got a challenge for you over here," David calls out to me.

I walk over to him, where there's a bottle on a table and things written in each side of it.

Of course, David has his camera out and is filming the whole thing.

"Okay so I've got a bottle on this table here, and four things on each side. On each side there's $400, chug a whole Corona, make out with Toddy, or jump in a whole bathtub filled with cold water. Are you willing to take up the challenge?" David asks.

"Damn, David. Her first day here and you're already giving her these fucking challenges?" A boy with silver hair asks.

"Shut up, Scotty and let her choose," David replies. So the boys name must be Scotty.

"Fuck it, I guess so," I shrug.

Everyone hollers and screams in reply.

"Alright, Alex will you do the honors and spin the bottle?" David asks.

Alex walks over to the table and spins the beer bottle. We all watch as it goes around and around a few times, until finally it lands on chug a whole Corona.

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