32: Girls Day

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(Dakota's outfit ^^)

The boys eventually agreed to go out together the following day because they felt like Alex didn't spend enough time with them alone anymore. So, the girls and I decided to go out and do some stuff together as well.

I had texted Liza to make plans with her today, and eventually we both agreed on the idea that her, Kristen, Corinna, and I would go out and have a day together.

So, here we are now, currently roaming around the mall with a few bags in tow. I had a Victoria's Secret bag, American Eagle, and a Forever 21 bag in my arms. I had bought some cute new lingerie and some new outfits so far, and Corinna was vlogging some of our day so far since she needed some footage to upload to her channel. She promised us that as soon as we got to Liza's house to watch movies and hang out she'd stop so we could be away from the camera for a while. But for now, as we walk towards the exit of the mall so we can head off for dinner, Corinna is vlogging.

"Okay so we just finished up shopping at the mall and we all have spent way more than we should've," Corinna laughs as we all join in with her as we hold up our bags.

"Hey, girl. Nice ass. Can I get your number?" A man's voice interrupts, gesturing towards me.

All four of us stop in our tracks when he says this, and I mutter out a quiet 'what?'

"I said, nice ass. Can I get your number?" The guy says, raising his eyebrows provocatively at me.

"Why, thank you. My ass is pretty nice, isn't it? Too bad I can't say the same for you," I say, fake pouting.

"And unfortunately for you, I have a boyfriend. So no, you cannot have my number," I add.

"Damn, I guess you can't turn a hoe into a housewife," the guys shrugs.

"Damn, I guess you can't turn a misogynist asshole into a kind, respectful guy now can you?" I shrug, and then walk away, as the guys laugh their asses off beside me.

"Dakota, that was amazing. I've never seen someone handle catcalling like that," Kristen laughs as we walk out of the doors to the mall.

"Thanks, I tried," I giggle with them.

"The best part of all that is that I got it all in my vlog," Corinna laughs, pointing the camera at me. My hand immediately flies to my mouth as I laugh.

"Oh my god, are you serious? That's amazing," I say, and we all laugh together again.

"So, anyways, where are we going for dinner?" Liza asks as we all get in the car.

"I'm kind of feeling Panera Bread or like Hooters," Kristen says.

"I kind of want Panera," Corinna says.

"So Panera it is," Liza says, and we start driving off.

When we're in the car Corinna turns off her camera and we all begin to talk about what we want to go when we go back to Liza's house. There, we were all going to sleepover. I know it's kind of juvenile to be having a sleepover and everything when you're past 20, but we figured it would be fun and a good way to relax and get away from the camera for a little while.

"I think we should watch a movie," Kristen suggests.

"Yeah, we should. Oh! We should watch Mean Girls!" Liza exclaims. We all enthusiastically agree with that, and then start coming up with other ideas of what to do.

"We should definitely do truth or dare," Corinna suggests, and we agree.

"And we should have a Mario Kart competition!" I suggest, knowing Liza has a Wii U and the game.

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