9: David Suprises Us

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Surprisingly, only a day after I posted my first YouTube video, the video had over 2 million views and my channel had a little over a million subscribers. Since I was already decently popular from modeling and all of my famous friends were in my video with me, it really helped grow my account and make it successful when it first started. I was really happy about this, and made a mental note to film a new video soon.

But today instead of making another video for my channel, David, Dom, Alex, and I decided we were just going to stay home and chill out and relax.

That's what Dom, Alex, and I thought at least until David decided to wake us all up with his vlog camera in our faces.

"Wake up, Alec and Kota! I have a surprise!" David screamed as he barged into Alex and I's room filming our reactions with his camera.

"God damn it, David it's fucking 6 in the morning let me sleep," I reply and turn away from the camera.

"I have a surprise for you, don't you want to see it?" David asks.

"Last time I let you surprise me it was Dom straddling me shirtless, so no, not really," I reply, making David laugh.

"Come on guys, it's a good surprise this time, I promise," David says.

"No surprise is ever a good one with you," Alex mumbles, but we both get up anyways. Dom is already up and awake, sitting on the couch with a bong in his hands.

"Dom, put that away. I want your sober reaction to this," David says.

"I need the three of you to lay on the floor blindfolded," David says.

"Oh hell no. Not this shit again. I can't even fucking trust you when you say that, it's never anything fucking good when you make us do this!" Alex freaks out, and starts to walk away. I grab his arm and look him in the eye.

"If I'm being forced to do this, so are you," I say, and so all three of us lay on the ground and Davis puts a blanket over our eyes.

"Are you ready? I want you to guess what it is," David says and puts something first on Alex's stomach.

"Oh my god, David? What the fuck is that! It has nails! It's pressing into my body! What the fuck?" Alex scream, and I feel the thing move onto me.

"What? What the fuck is this thing? Why are it's nails pressing into my skin? Oh my god what is this?" I shriek and feel it get off of my and go into Dom.

"David what the fuck is this? David? Is this some fucking bear again?" Dom yells.

The thing moves back onto me again and David says "Take off your blindfold!"

Dom rips the blanket off of all of our eyes and a cute multicolored puppy is revealed to all of us.

I immediately take the puppy into my arms and start to kiss and pet it.

"David, oh my god!" I exclaim, feeling tears in my eyes.

"Who's is it?" Alex asks, scratching the dogs head.

"Ours," David says.

"You're fucking with us," Dom says in disbelief.

"No, I'm not," David chuckles. "It's ours, an apartment dog."

"No, no you're joking. Are you for real? This cute little fluffy pup is fucking ours?" I ask.

"Yes, for real!" David says, exasperated.

"I can't believe you'd do something this nice. There's some kind of catch to it. We can only keep it for a week or something right? Or it's ours for the day but it's actually something Jason bought Trisha and let you use for a prank," Alex accuses David.

"No, I swear on me and Liza's relationship. This puppy is ours," David says.

Suddenly I start crying as I cuddle the puppy in my arms and pet it.

"I fucking love this dog," I cry, and Alex comes over and puts his arms around me as I cry out.

"Thumbnail," David whispers as Alex continues to hold me as I hold the puppy in my arms.

"David, you're the fucking best I love you for this," I tell David and he laughs.

"Is it a boy or girl?" Alex asks David.

"Boy," David answers.

"What are we going to name him?" Dom asks.

"Jasper. I like Jasper," I tell the others.

"I like that too," Alex says and smiles at me.

"So are we agreed on Jasper?" David asks, and we all nod.

"Welcome to the vlog squad, Jasper," David whispers and pets the pup on his fluffy little head.

"I am taking him, goodbye!" I exclaim and stand up with the pup in my arms and begin to walk away.

David and Dom laugh at me and shake their heads, and Alex stands up.

"Hey, I want to come!" Alex exclaims and follows me to our room.

I lay down against the wall in Alex's bed and put the puppy against my chest. Then I pay the open spot on Alex's bed to tell him to lay with me.

After Alex lays down beside me, I turn on my side and put the puppy in between us and begin to pet him again.

"Do you think Bailey will get jealous?" I ask Alex, as I turn my gaze from Jasper to his eyes.

"No, Bailey isn't a jealous bunny. Bailey will be fine. However, your best friend will be because your spending more attention to the dog than him," Alex pouts and sticks out his bottom lip at me.

I smile and shake my head.

"Well my best friend should know that I like him better than any dog, even if the dog is a cute little bugger like Jasper," I say, now lookin down at Jasper again.

Alex and I giggle as Jasper turns over on his back, asking for belly rubs. We happily oblige and begin to scratch his tummy.

While were doing this, I slightly hear the door open a crack, but I try my best to ignore it, knowing it's probably David.

When Jasper is finally tired of belly rubs, he flips back around and puts his head on his paws, ready to take a nap. Alex and I both awe at this.

Since the puppy is asleep, I run my attention from Jasper to Alex. I look up and into Alex's eyes, not realizing how close we were together until this second. I smile at him, and he smiles back, his cute little dimples showing. I giggle a little bit at this, and then lean my head against his as we both watch Jasper again as he wakes up and walks up the bed in between us and licks our faces. We both laugh at this again, and Alex moves Jasper away with his hand so he will stop licking us.

After he does that, Alex wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer into him so that the puppy now rests tightly against both of our chests. Once again, Jasper decides to take a nap. Then, I suddenly find myself yawning. David did wake us up at 6 in the morning, so I do deserve a nap.

Slowly I look back up at Alex and give him a drowsy smile, before falling asleep, my head pressed up against his once again.

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