40: Photoshoot

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Today, for the first time in what seems like forever, I'm going to go do a new photo shoot. Victoria's Secret just came out with a new line of t shirt bras and panties and wanted me to come back and shoot with them, so that's exactly what I was doing today.

"Babe," I whisper to Alex, trying to escape from his grip but not being able to.

"Hm?" He whispers back, his eyes still closed.

"I need to get up I have a shoot today," I say, reaching my hand up to his face and caressing his cheek.

I feel my fingers over his light stubble and plump pink lips before leaving a quick kiss on his lips.

"Do you have to go?" Alex asks, now opening his eyes and looking down at me.

"Mhm. I haven't done a shoot in forever. You can come if you get up now and get ready," I tell him, and that's enough to get him out of bed and up.

I giggle a little bit at this, and get out of our new, conjoined bed as well. I throw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie and throw my hair up in a bun, not bothering to look good since I'll have everything done for me once I get there.

I watch as Alex changes into a plain blue T-shirt and jeans, and we walk out into the bathroom together. We brush our teeth together, and then quickly put on some deodorant and perfume before quickly making our way out of the apartment and towards Alex's car.

Luckily it was very early in the morning so we didn't have anyone bothering us and no one was up, so we got ready and out of the house very quickly.

I get into the passenger seat of the car, and we drive off.

"You have to be quiet and not bother me while you're there, okay?" I tell Alex, raising my eyebrows at him.

"Okay, I will. I promise," Alex says.

"Really? You're sure?" I ask, skeptical.

"Yes, I promise," Alex assures me.

Although I don't really believe him, I still nod.

"I've never seen you do a shoot before, I'm really excited," Alex says, and I giggle at his cuteness.

"It's not really that interesting, it's just me getting dressed and having makeup put on me and then a bunch of poses and pictures," I shrug.

"Hey, that means I get to see you in underwear, right?" Alex suggestively says, smirking.

"Yes, but you can't do anything about it so calm little Alex jr down right there," I laugh.

"Hey, you know he isn't little," Alex winks, making me laugh more.

"It's here right?" Alex asks, changing the subject as he turns into the parking lot of the photo shoot place.

"Yes," I answer, and he parks up front in one of the reserved parking spaces.

We get out of the car together and I lead Alex inside and into the room where I was told to meet everyone at.

"Dakota!" I hear Ainsley tell as soon as I walk into the room.

"Ainsley!" I say, hugging her as she runs up to me.

"It's been so long, babe. So glad to see you again. And I see you've brought Alex," Ainsley says, grinning.

Alex greets her with a hug as well, and Ainsley nods her head at me.

"Im so glad to see you guys together and happy, it's adorable," she says, putting her hand over her heart.

"Thank you, Ains," I smile and chuckle a little.

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