7: Movie Day

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When I wake up the next morning, my head is pounding so hard I can barely sit up.

"Ouch," I complain, holding my head as I sit back down.

"Kota, here," I hear Alex's soft voice say.

I open my eyes to Alex offering me a Tylenol and some water.

"Thanks," I say and take them from him.

"I sure fucking hope these aren't drugged, I'm already fucked up as it is," I say, putting the pill in my mouth and downing the water.

"Yeah, you were pretty wasted last night," Alex laughs.

"Was I really?" I sigh.

"Yeah, but in a funny way," he consoles me.

"I hope we're not going anywhere today," I say.

"Nope, Dom and David already left for the house to go film. It's just you and me today," Alex informs me.

"The house?" I ask curiously.

"It's where Scotty, Jason, and Todd live and we film a bunch of videos and shit there," Alex explains.

"Oh, okay," I say and close my eyes.

"So, new roomie. What do you want to do today?" Alex asks.

"How about we get to know each other a little more first? Maybe by playing 21 questions? And then we watch some movies because honestly, I'm way too exhausted to go somewhere or do something that takes too much effort," I admit.

"Alright, do you want to start the game then?" Alex asks, sitting down at the foot of my bed and leaning against the wall.

"Sure. How old are you?" I ask.

"21," he answers. "Favorite animal?"

"Dog, by far. Single or taken, currently?" I ask.

"Single. Do you honestly think I'd have a girlfriend? Favorite color?" Alex asks.

"Pink. Favorite movie?" I ask.

"Titanic, even though it's long and David and Dom think it's boring. Yours?" Alex asks.

"I don't know. Probably Wonder Woman. Any siblings?" I ask.

"Two, a sister Emma and a brother John," Alex answers. "Best friend?"

"Don't have one, only good friends. Where are you from?" I ask.

"Minnesota," Alex answers. "You?"

"Florida. Favorite celebrity?" I ask.

"Selena Gomez. Whose yours?" Alex asks.

"No way! Mines Selena too! Dude you can totally be my new best friend now," I laugh. "Play any instruments?"

"I tried guitar once but that was a flop. When did you start modeling?" he asks.

"When I was 17. Where'd you go to high school?" I ask.

"Belle Plaine. Your parents divorced?" He asks.

"Yeah, spilt up when I was little. Yours?" I ask.

"Mine did too. Have any pets back home?" He asks.

"A dog named Colby and a cat named Jenny. How tall are you?" I ask.

"Six two. Talked to your family recently?" He asks.

"Just a few days ago. My mom has cancer so Ive been talking to them the past few weeks. I can't leave L.A. to go see her though because my agency won't let me. Zodiac sign?" I ask.

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