15: Pool Party

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"Okay guys! So we've just arrived at the party now, and I'll continue filming a little bit later. Bye until then!" I say and shut off the camera.

Alex and I had just pulled up to the house, and are getting out of the car to go greet anyone.

Once we reach the door, we open it and walk inside, seeing everyone waiting for us in there.

They all greet us and I hug pretty much all of them.

"What took you guys so long? David said you guys left about the same time as them and yet you're here ten minutes later then they were," Toddy asks, causing Alex and I to look at each other with wide eyes.

"We uh, we stopped for coffee on the ride over," I quickly cover up, and no one seems to find that suspicious.

After that, we all make our way to the pool outside with our towels.

Luckily, I didn't have to change into my swimsuit like some of the others did, because I decided to wear mine under my clothes.

Once we're outside I take off my shirt and shorts to reveal my white lace swimsuit, causing Dom to whistle.

"Damn, girl. I didn't know we were stripping," he says, causing me to laugh and punch him in the arm.

Once Dom takes off his shirt, he immediately jumps into the pool, followed quickly by Zane, Heath, and David.

I sit quietly on one of the seats, waiting for Alex to change so I can continue my vlog with him.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, Alex exegetes from the house without a shirt and some blue swim trunks. I smile at him and wave him over to my seat.

He sits down next to me on it, making it a little bit of a tight squeeze.

Before I left for Mexico, the three boys pitched in to buy me a waterproof vlog camera in case I wanted to film while I was there. I did, of course, but I didn't want to share that experience with my subscribers. Plus Mexico was pretty boring since it was just me and none of my friends.

But since the camera was waterproof, it was perfect for today's pool party since we'd be in the water.

"So we're at the pool party right now, and I don't really want to swim quite yet but I'm here with Alex again," I tell the camera.

"Some on, Kota. Just come swim with me," Alex says, getting off the chair and gesturing for me to follow him.

"No, quite frankly I'm pretty good being over here dry," I say, keeping the camera angled on me.

"If you're not going to willingly get into the pool I guess I'll have to do something about it," Alex simply states, and comes back over to me.

"Oh hell, no. Alex get the fuck away from me. Alex, no," I saw as he comes over, reaching for me.

Alex smoothly scoops me up with both of his arms, picking me up and holding me.

"Alex, put me down! Alex don't fucking throw me into the pool. I will kill you," I threaten him, causing him to just laugh.

Alex carries me over to the pool and pretends to throw me in once, making me scream and him laugh.

"Alex, please don't do this," I plead.

"Don't worry I'm not going to," Alex says. "I just wanted to have you in my arms."

"Awh, you're so sweet and-" I start, but I don't get to finish my sentence because I have been thrown into the pool.

Because I was in the middle of a sentence when  Alex threw me in, I got a mouthful of water and had to spit it out when I resurfaced.

"I fucking hate you," I tell him after I'm above the water and I wipe my eyes. I aim my vlog camera at him now to capture his reaction.

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