Chapter Nine| Come get your friend, he's annoying

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"I don't even like you,

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"I don't even like you,

Why'd you want to go and make me feel this way?

I don't understand what's happened,

I keep saying things I never say."

-5 Seconds of Summer

Status: unedited

A crisp morning breeze came through my window, tickling the exposed skin on my arms, I shivered, snuggling further into my pillow before an exasperated sigh was released from my lips.

This week has kicked my butt, I've picked up so many shifts this week, work has been good so far, obviously extremely busy, but good. I'm still getting used to it but it's pretty easy, I've just been on my feet constantly and after a week of almost continuous work, I'm exhausted.

I've met a few more people there as well which is good because it makes working a lot more fun. School's also been kicking my butt because exams are nearing, and teachers are constantly throwing work in your face, not literally obviously. Luckily, it's almost spring break and I can be free from school for a little.

I sat up on my bed, stretching my body in the most unnatural way, but it felt so good. I grabbed my phone off my bedside table and checked snapchat, Instagram and a few other things, trying to stall so I didn't have to get up, I mean I don't have too but I should probably have some breakfast and have a shower, I fell asleep in my uniform again last night and I feel dirty. I really need to stop doing that.

I reluctantly dragged myself out of my bed, picking up my plain white duvet before attempting to place it back on my bed nicely, it still looked sort of messy just not as messy. I slowly made my way into the bathroom, stripping off my uniform and pulling my hair out of the high ponytail it had been in, deciding I should wash it.

I turned the shower on, not too hot though. I hop in and begin scrubbing myself clean with my vanilla scented body wash then washing my hair and shaving. I finished cleaning myself, then I just stood there, the hot water running down my skin causing me to quiver as the sweltering water relieved my stiff muscles.

I soon realised the lack of heat coming from the water, I quickly turned the tap off before I used the hot water, entirely.

I wrapped a fluffy towel around my body as I walked into my room, quickly getting dressed in some black leggings and a black singlet, all black but comfy as hell.

I brushed through my knotted wet hair before flinging it over my shoulder and making my way downstairs to see Caleb sitting on the couch, tapping his foot impatiently as he texted on his phone.

He looked up from his phone, "Finally,"

"What? I was asleep," I scrunched my face up.

"Yeah well, it's one o'clock,"

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