Chapter Eighteen| Poor salad

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"You wanna hold my hand and then you won't

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"You wanna hold my hand and then you won't

You say you love me then you don't

You keeping me running and running around"  

-Bebe Rexha

Status: unedited

It was finally lunch time and to say I was hungry would be an understatement, I was absolutely starving I almost considered eating my own hand.

I ran out of maths, literally, then made a detour to my locker then the headed straight for the cafeteria.

I got my tray and then got fries, an unpleasant looking salad and a coke before walking over to my lonely table at the back of the cafeteria.

You know, usually I'd sit with Taylor but since she's rude and didn't come today I have to sit by myself and look like a friendless looser, I mean that technically isn't wrong.

I popped a chip in my mouth, my eyes rolling to the back of my head in delight. Definitely worth sitting through three boring classes for.

"Someone enjoys their food," I heard Shawn's familiar voice speak up out of nowhere.

I looked up at him, "I really do." I replied before shoving more fries in my mouth.

He looked over at his large group of friends who just loudly entered the cafeteria, "Where's Taylor? "he asked though he probably already knew the answer.

"At home," I replied, taking a sip of my coke.

He grinned mischievously, "Come sit with me."

I spat out my coke before going into a coughing fit, very attractive, grace.

"Sorry, what?"

He grinned, trying not to laugh, "Come sit at my table," he grinned, "With me."

I looked over at his table which was the biggest table in the cafeteria and it just happened to be in the middle, so every other table was surrounding it.

"I don't think my brother would like that," I said honestly.

Not just because it would be Shawn who invited me over there but because he'd feel embarrassed with me sitting with his friends, it's pretty obvious why, I did just spit coke all over my table.

He pouted, his bottom lip sticking out as he feigned sadness, "He's not even here today,"

I raised an eyebrow, if he's not here then where the hell is, he, I assumed he would be at school.

"He's not here?"

Shawn shook his head, "Nah, so no excuses, now come on." He placed his hands on my waist as he pulled off my chair.

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