Chapter Fifteen| Shut up nerd

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 "Every time I think I've found somebody

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"Every time I think I've found somebody

I just wish that somebody was you

There's no way that someone else could make me ever

Feel the same way that you do

No-one compares to you"

-Jack & Jack

Status: unedited

"Hey Gracie,"

You've got to be kidding me.

I sighed, "Hi, Grayson," I gave him a slight smile, a tired one.

"Good date?" he asked, though I know he didn't really care so I don't know why he was bothering to converse with me.

I slipped my converse off; my odd socks making an appearance.

I looked up, my eyes being captured by his, his crystal green eyes, the palest of emerald yet the clearest, water-like shade possible. I felt as though I could see straight through them.

His hair was dishevelled and messy, dirty brown locks sticking in all directions so effortlessly yet in the most attractive way possible though I'll never openly admit that. He was wearing sweats and a plain shirt which I didn't think was anything special till I saw Grayson wearing it. How does he make such a simple outfit look so good?

I attempted to keep my expression neutral, trying to keep my eyes from travelling down to his built torso accentuated nicely by the fitting shirt.

I notice the smirk on his lips, oh my gosh am I drooling or something?

I quickly rub my hand over my mouth and thankfully there was no drool.

Unfortunately, I wasn't very discrete with trying to check if my saliva had exited my mouth which in return cause Grayson to laugh.

Quickly, I tried to distract him from how stupid I am, "Yeah, the date was good." I said.

He gave me a nod, "That's surprising,"

I narrowed my eyes at him, "What's that supposed to mean?"

He smirked, "He's Shawn, you're Grace." He replied, "You aren't the best with guys,"

"I am Grace, and I'm going to whoop your butt," I retorted, "I am so good with guys." I lied, he was completely correct, doesn't mean he can insult me.

He laughed, "Nah, go kiss your little boyfriend on the cheek again," he said, obviously trying to embarrass me or wind me up.

It was working.

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