Chapter Thirteen| You owe me

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  "Why do I pull you close

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"Why do I pull you close

And then ask you for space

If all it is is eight letters

Why is it so hard to say? "

-Why don't we

Status: unedited

Today is the day.

Today is the day I go on my date with Shawn, and to say I'm nervous would be a slight understatement. Today went by extremely fast and usually that'd make me more than happy, but all my classes seemed to breeze by and here I am, shoving my books into my locker, fumbling with the stationary inside, anything to distract me from the never ending butterflies fluttering around the pit of my stomach.

The fact it's going to be my first date doesn't make me any less nervous either, I don't know how to act or what to expect, as always, I'm over thinking more then I probably should be but it's like your first kiss, you don't know whether it's going to be sloppy and wet or make you want to jump their bones then and there, though that's another thing I haven't experienced to I'm really going on a limb here. In another words, my level of experience for everything is extremely low.

Taylor's been going on and on about my date with Shawn and that I should man up and "get some" as she said, though my intentions for tonight are none other to go on a good date, hopefully get to know Shawn more and maybe develop our friendship a little more, we'll see, but I know for sure there is no way I'm going to "get some" and I think Shawn would be in the same boat with me for this one.

I slammed my locker door shut, walking down the hall, my mind drifting back to how nervous I was but then I thought, why am I so nervous? It's just Shawn, I mean he's adorable as hell, and really sweet but I've already embarrassed myself in front of him more then once, he should be the nervous one, who knows what my clumsy ass will do.

Shut up Grace, it'll be fine.

My thoughts were cut short as I came into contact with a firm chest, causing me to barrel towards the ground, thankfully a pair of arms caught me. See what I mean about clumsy, I'm not even on the date yet and I'm falling over, plus I've still got a large band aid plastered on my knee from falling over the other day, it'd hurt more than stubbing your toe if I landed on it again.

"Careful, Gracie." I looked up at Grayson who had his toned arms wrapped around my waist stabilising me causing an electric shock type feeling to course throughout my body.

I pushed his arms off me, standing on my own two feet before dusting myself off, "You should've let me fall," I scowled.

He rolled his lovely green eyes, "Yeah, your welcome." He said sarcastically.

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