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I slowly make my way to the bus stop while pulling out my handheld video camera.

I start recording as I walk. I talk to the camera while keeping it away from my face. I never show my face on the camera. I'm cautious. In case someone is trying to find me.

"Uh, today is Friday, May 5th. As of right now, it's misty and raining outside. Nothing's happened yet but, you know, I'm still waiting."(Does that sound like Jay?)

I continue to walk while keeping the camera trained in front of me. After a while of walking, my route goes through the woods.

I lift the camera and look up. Then I move the camera so that it gets a view of everything.

I look away for a second and see something moving in the trees, the figure was a blur of yellow-tan, white, and black, it looked like a human though.

"Holy sh*t! What was that?!" I yell as I try to swing the camera around, but I was too late, the figure was gone.
I sigh, this was the first time I actually saw something worth while, and I didn't even get it on camera.

I quickly walk out of the woods, keeping watch around me. As soon as I reach the exit of the woods, I slow down a little and walk the rest of the way to the bus stop.

Sage POV

When I get to the bus stop I stand on the edge, away from people. They don't like me very much, they say I'm crazy. I'm just creative. Y/n knows that, she understands, I just wish she didn't always carry around that darn camera.

She has it wherever she goes, she always keeps it on. It's like she's attached to that thing. She's the most superstitious person I know.

She's said that when she was little, she was outside playing and she looked towards the woods and saw a tall, faceless, creature.

She tried to show people but it was gone when she looked again. They started saying she was delusional. She kept seeing it after that, but it always disappeared before anyone else looked at it.

So she decided to get a camera, she carried it wherever she went, hoping that she could catch the creature on screen. When she started carrying around the camera, the creature disappeared, but she swears she can still feel it watching.

Sounds like a lot of BS to me. I mean, she's my best friend but...Geez...I think she needs to stop while she's still ahead...

As I'm thinking this, i see her rush out of the woods across the street. I sigh, she always walked through the woods now, even though it was hardly a shortcut.

She had that look on her face again. The look that said 'OMG I FOUND SOMETHING IMPORTANT'. I mean, I love the girl, but she's a little over the edge, and that coming from me. Everyone else seems to think she's normal and nice though.

She even has a job as a photographer, taking pictures that range from senior, family, prom, property and more. People tolerate her. Nobody hates her. And nobody really loves her except me.

She's sort of popular, our school doesn't bully that much, except when it comes to me. Everyone hates me. Insane, they call me. They say I'm crazy. I don't know why though....

I wish I could find out. I hate to admit it but, I care what people think about me. That's another thing I admire about Y/n. She doesn't care what other people think.

When Y/n reached the bus stop, she was breathing heavily. She bends over, panting heavily.

"I...I s-...I saw something..." She breaths out.

"Make sure to breath." I remind her. After a while of catching her breath, she relaxes. She actually has forgotten to breath before...

"Thanks." She says. "Anyway, I was saying-" She got cut off.

Honk Honk.

The bus was waiting beside the curb.

"You know what, I'll tell you at school." she said, jogging to the bus and getting on.

I follow after her and grab the railing as I walk in.

When she walks by some people greet her. She pretends not to hear them and keeps walking. Some people think she's shy, which makes them want to be her friend even more, but really...she just doesn't like talking very much when she doesn't have to. She said it's a waste of time and breath.

As I walk by people just stare until I walk past. Whispering stuff to their friends, my name mentioned once or twice.

I follow Y/n to the back of the bus and sit on the outside of her seat. She was seated on the inside and had her camera on, her head up against the window, looking out at the forest as we pull away from the bus stop.

I look at her. She wasn't the prettiest girl in school. She didn't brush her hair much and didn't pay any mind to her clothes. She always wore a brown cap on her head and she always had dark bags under her eyes. Somehow through, she worked it. She made it look good.

She was perfect to me. I love a friend.

I watched her the rest of the way to school.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now