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I sit there as Oliver holds onto me like a lifeline. This was foreign to me, Oliver was never desperate or tender with me, or anyone else for that matter. The only time someone ever held me like this was...a long time ago, and history. Nothing to fret about.

I feel warm tears soaking into the shirt covering my shoulder and I instantly want to cry. I hadn't seen Oliver cry that much. But when he is sad, it feels like my world took a hit from an avalanche.

I lean back against him and snuggle my head into the crook up his neck. Trying desperately to stop this thing that I hate.

He holds me tighter and takes a deep breath.

"Look at me...I'm a mess..!" He said as he lets out a sad chuckle. He sensed this was making me sad.

I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder.

"Yes you are." I say as a tease. I don't know why I felt so comfortable with him all of the sudden. A part of me still hates him...but a part of me just sees him as someone who is too afraid to love.

He turned the only person I had left to love me against me...well not person...but you get what I mean. He ridiculed me and he stole things from me...which I guess I kind of deserved...

Okay. Overall, all he's done is given me better than what I deserved. I had no reason to hate him, but he wanted me to.

When I realize all of this I cling onto him a bit tighter.

He pats my back then slowly lifts me off his lap, standing me on the ground in front of him.

"I'm sorry." We both say at the same time. We laugh a little before he stands up as well and leads me to the bedroom door, where he let me out and we both walked down the hallway. When we got to my room though, I stop and reach for my door. He grabs my arm and clings to me.

"I have to take a shower." I say as I tug my arm away. "You're too clingy." That perverted grin that I'm used to seeing on his face returns. Before he could say anything I step inside my bedroom and slam the door behind me. I sigh and shake my head as I walk into the bathroom.
I turn the water on as I strip down so that it would have Time to warm up. When it was warm enough, I step into the shower and pull the curtains shut, sighing as the warm water hit my back.

I feel all the stress and pain from the day wash down the drain and it felt so good.

The acoustic sound of the bathroom made my voice echo off the walls as I start to sing from the relaxation.

"Insidious is blind inception..."  

My vocal cords real with the steam going into them.

"What's reality with all these questions..?"

"Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in..."

As I go through the song I wash my hair and body, being careful not to get soap in my eyes.

When I was all done I tech over and turn the shower head off, grabbing my towel and stepping out. I decided to change in the bathroom just in case.

When I finished getting dressed I walk out into my bedroom and into the hallway.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now