Burn Blossom

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I keep the camera trained on the woods the whole bus ride, never letting anything slip passed my vision.

Maybe I was just seeing things when I was walking through the woods. I am always paranoid...

No. I definitely saw something. It was there. I know it was. I want to tell Sage about it. I know she's fed up with my superstitions and paranoia but I can't help it. I'm determined to find that thing if it's the last thing I do.

I have to prove to people that it's real. I have to prove to people that I'm not delusion, that I'm not crazy. Because I'm not. I know it's real. I saw it. And every night it haunts my nightmares. Every night I have to suffer through this.

When I find it I will suffer no more. I will have accomplished something, maybe I can even get rid of it. There has to be a way to rid this creature from my mind...

As I zoned out in thought, the bus suddenly stopped, throwing me up against the seat. After making sure that I didn't hurt the camera in any way, I looked out the window, we were at school but there was smoke in the air and fire trucks surrounding the building. The sirens threatening to shatter my eardrums, I look around for some sort of an explanation.

Outside the window I see blue and red flashing lights cut through smoke, towards where the school is, I can see an orange glow flicking and slithering in the smoke.

I hear the driver's radio give a shrill beeping noise and then a panicked voice on the other end. The driver mutters a response into the radio and then turns around in his seat.

"Alright kids. Don't panic. I'm going to take you back to the bus stop and you are all going to go back home and call your parents if they aren't there." He said calmly, probably trying to calm the panicked kids.

"What's going on?" Some middle schooler asked in a scared voice. The driver turns to her and gives her a calm frown.

"Something went wrong in the kitchen this morning an the school caught on fire. But nobody's hurt and I'm going to get you guys home." He said, pulling the bus in gear and backing out of the parking lot.

As we drive away I keep the camera trained on the destructive burn blossom. It's not every day you get to see something like this...

On the drive back home the fire was still running through my mind but my eyes were trained on the tree line. I have to be cautious. I might be paranoid, but maybe I'm just prepared.

I see movement in the trees and instantly snap my head in the direction. As the bus speeds by I see a Doe standing in the tree line, eyes wide as she stares at the possible threat to her life that just sped passes her.

Before I know it we pull up next to the bus stop. I stand up, click off my camera because apparently people can sue you if you get there face on camera without consent. And follow Sage down the isle.

"Don't bother coming to school tomorrow. If and when school does open up again, we will contact your parents or guardians." The bus driver said as we all happens off of the bus. After the bus speeds off, me and Sage just stand there staring at each other.

A grin spreads itself across her face.

"Sage, what did you do?!" I say suspiciously. She looks offended but still happy.

"What? I wish I did that. But at least schools out." She said. I look into her eyes. She definitely seemed capable to set fire to a school. Her eyes looked suspicious and mysterious, but they're still the same eyes that comforted me when I accidentally killed that kitten when we were six, and the same eyes that seemed to believe me when no one else did.

She notices that I'm looking into her eyes and she stares into my eyes, probably having her own happy flashback of us. After a while I look away and blink.

"What should we do?" I ask her, looking at her again.

"Hiking!" She said excitedly. Of course she wanted to go hiking, there would be mud all over, less people out, and water dripping from the trees since it's raining. She loves that stuff. As long as I bring my camera I'm fine with it.

And I do like walking through the woods. Gives me a chance to catch anything unusual.

"Works for me." I say, walking towards the trees already. She jogs to catch up with me. As we enter the forest we find a small path to walk on. She splashes in the puddles while I pan my camera over ever square foot of forest I can see, hoping to catch something.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now