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When I leave Tim's room, I control my breath in a bit and walk back to my room, sitting on the bed and turning the music on my phone on  without putting in earbuds.

I continue to level out my breathing as the song starts up.

"Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law

Lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home

Oh mama, I can hear your crying, you're so scared and all alone

Hangman is coming down from the gallows and I don't have very long..."

I pause the song and get up, realizing that even though I though I knew the whole story of my situation, I was still missing one important detail:


I stand up, turning my phone off, keeping a blank face as I leave my room, finding my way to Slender's office. I knock on the door quietly.

"Yes?" I hear his voice from the other side. I open the door and walk in, sitting in a chair.

"Sir, if you don't mind me asking...Why...Why did you start following me and watching me in the first place?" I ask. He was silent for a few seconds.

"Child, there are many things you don't know about your past, and there are few things you don't have the right to know." He said. I give him an unamused expression.

"This is one of those things, I'm guessing?" I say, kind of frustrated. He's silent again.

"Child, this is something you do have the right to know...Just not yet." I sigh, annoyed and defeated. He notices.

"You are not ready yet." I scoff.

"And I suppose I never will be, right?" I say angrily.

"In time, child." He said patiently.

"How much time?!" I raise my voice, my voice started shaking a bit.

"Child-" I cut him off.

"Don't child me! I should be able to know my life!" I yell, slamming my hand on the table, my face red with anger.

The door to Slenderman's office opens behind me.

"Is everything okay in here?" I recognize the voice as Ben's.

"Everything is alright, Ben." Slenderman said. I whip around.

"No. Everything is not alright! Everything is all left- I mean, wrong!" I begin to mess up my words as I get angrier. Ben sets a hand on my shoulder before crying in pain and pulling his hand back, looking at his hand.

Still angry, I get a confused expression on my face. Slenderman stands up and moves over to Ben. He grabs his hand and looks at it. I manage to catch o peek and see that his hand had a red burn mark on it, right where it touched my shoulder.

My eyes widen and I look at my shoulder.

My shirt was starting to burn slightly, not to where it was showing skin, but it was giving off slight smoke.

"GAHH!" I yell as I stare down at my shirt. Ben saw it. His eyes widen.

"Stop, drop, and roll, Y/n!" He yells.

"No child. The fire isn't on your shirt, it is in you." He said. I stop freaking out and give him a confused glare.

"Child. This is what you needed to wait, to learn. You...were my experiment proxy. You were the first proxy I decided to try my project on." He explained even though I still had no idea what to even think.

"What...project?" I ask slowly. I could feel my skin cooling down as my anger went away to make room for confusion.

"My project...of making contact with you as a child. My other proxies hadn't ever actually seen me until i took them in. Tim was the one to have the most contact. But he didn't actually see me until he had lost everything. You on the other hand...I revealed myself when you were young, to test what would happen..." He trailed off.

"What happened?!" I ask, exited and scared.

"Yeah, what happened?" Ben asked. Oops, I had forgotten he was in here.

"Well, it seemed to effect you body temperature and aura. For example: when you are sad or frightened, it will be very cold, when you are angry, excited, or embarrassed, it will be hot." I look at him in disbelief.

This can't be real...

Remember in the beginning of S.F.S when she felt really cold when she thought of her parents, but a blanket didn't help?

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now