BRVR again

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Sorry to whoever doesn't think that Oliver should be in the story because it's a 'Creepypasta X reader'. I am the mother of this story. This is my story baby. If you want to offend my story baby you can leave. If you don't like: don't read! :)

We sit in the living room, the silence truly awkward.

Then I hear a voice from the doorway.

"Hey- Now who the fu-...Why is it that every time I come back there's always new people?" The three of us turn around to see the boy that looked like Pikachu standing in the doorway.

"Hey, I remember you." I say to the boy, remember when he morphed from my Pikachu in Super Smash Bros.

"I would be offended if you didn't." He said, smiling. I giggle a little.

"So, Who's the kid?" He said, sending a nod towards Oliver. I laugh as I hear Oliver growl beside me.

"This 'Kid' seems to be taller than you." Oliver said as he stood up and walked over to the Pikachu boy....I can't recall his name. (Every time I think of BRVR I think of the word Beverage)

The Pikachu boy grinned and all of the sudden he was gone. And in his place was a small Pikachu plushie...thing. It had a torn ear, sharp teeth, and was covered in spots of blood. It growled at Oliver and batted its paw...hand...I don't know.

Oliver chuckles, bends down, and picks it up by the scruff of its neck(Much like you would a kitten).

"A-dorable." He said as he 'boops' its nose before dropping it back on the ground. The Pikachu glares at Oliver before scampering over to me on the couch and sitting in my lap. I giggle once again.

"Aww." I say as I pet its ears. It snuggles into me, clearly sending a smug look at Oliver. He glares at it and I swear I could hear him growl.

Before I could process anything, he had turned back into his human form and flipped us over so I was sitting in his lap. I just go along with it. If this was meant to annoy Oliver, I was all for it. Oliver's brown eyes meet my E/C ones and he glares at me for a little bit as I snuggle into the boy.

"Yeah okay, I get it." Oliver said as he walks closer. "But this doesn't bother me, unless you want it to." He said, winking.

"What does that even mean?" I say in confusion.

"Maybe this will bother you." The boy said. As he grabs my wrist and flips me around so I was now straddling his hips. I don't know why this didn't bother me, it just seemed like a game so I went along with it.

The boy sends a smirk over my shoulder, most likely aimed at Oliver.

"Like I said. Doesn't bother me. I don't like her, she's an annoyance." He said. But you could hear the strain in his voice.

I frown, is that really all I am to him? I have to know. I know he is very strong willed when it comes to proving something. But I can crack him.

I lean forward a bit.

"What are you doing?" The boy whispers quiet enough that Oliver didn't hear.

"Just go with it." I whisper in his ear before snuggling my face into the crook of his neck. It was warm and soft.

Jack is just watching all of this, amused.

I still get no reaction from Oliver and the boy notices. I feel his hands go to my waist, one inching closer to my ass.

Then I feel another set of hands on my waist and am utterly confused for a second. Then I'm lifted, by my waist, away from the boy and into someone else's arms. I take notice that it's Oliver. He holds me bridal style.

"Just remembered. Y/n has to feed Smile." Oliver said. I do?

"Jeff already did." The boy said. I sigh lightly.

"Did I say Smile? I meant Grinny." Oliver said as I just lay there in his arms.

"He's not even here."  The Pikachu boy says.

"Then she has to feed Apollo." He said as he turns and carries me out of the room.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now