Tears of an angel

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"Aron!" I yell his name as I run through the woods. "Aron come back!" I hear a yelp of pain in front of me.

I rush over and find myself in a small opening in the woods. On the other side of the opening I see what looks like an abandoned mansion, but that wasn't my focus right now.

My focus was on my friend laying in the grass, holding his head in his hands, covering his ears. I could see he had a giant gash on his leg, his pants soaked in blood.

And ten feet in front of him stood four figures. I could only slightly see them in the dark evening.

I knew the tall figure as soon as I saw it. The thing from my nightmares, just standing there silently. One of the others had their hood up so I couldn't see their face. All I could tell about the one that was beside that one, was that he had a mask on. And the last one, I could see he had goggles on and a bloody hatchet in his hand.

That's probably what made the gash in Aron's leg. I thought to myself. I don't think any of them saw me.

Everything was still and silent except for Aron's heavy breathing and groans of pain. It stayed still until I saw the one with the goggles walk closer to Aron, raising the hatchet.

"No! Stop!" I yell as I run towards them. They all look in my direction as I throw myself in front of Aron. They all look at me for a minute, surprised, then they all disappeared. Leaving me beside Aron.

I fall to my knees beside him, the gash in his leg was deep and he lost a lot of blood. His breathing was labored and he was grimacing in pain.

I cup his cheek in my hand. I knew this was his last day. But I didn't want to believe it, I couldn't let him go.

"Sing...Sing the-the angel song..." Aron said shakily. I smile sadly. I don't know why he wanted me to sing. My voice sounded terrible. But I wasn't going to deny him of his last wish. I nod.

"Cover my eyes... Cover my ears..." I started to cry as I sang.

"Tell me these words a-are a lie...
It can't be true
That I'm losing you..." I was now sobbing, my words barely audible.

"You're a really bad singer." Aron said, attempting to laugh. I smile sadly and choke out a small laugh before continuing.

"The sun cannot fall from the sky...
Can you hear heaven cry?
The tears of an angel..." I stop singing when I look down to see him asleep. Only I knew he wouldn't wake up. I feel something on my leg. I look down to see Apollo looking sad, resting his head on my thigh.

I smile sadly at him.

"Looks like it's just you and me Apollo." I say. I suddenly freeze as I look up, not in fear, but in anger. Because, ten feet away, I see the figure with the hatchet.

"You took him away. You took him from me!" I yell as I stand up on shaky legs. I run at him, he put his hand up to hit me but having the reflexes I do, I was able to dodge it. I kick at his leg, bringing it out from under him. I know I couldn't beat him. But I was going to leave him with a scar.

I didn't have any weapons so I had to improvise. I whistle to Apollo and he bites the ankle of the man. It didn't seem to hurt him, but it distracted him. And that was all I needed.

I quickly grab his wrist and pet the hatchet from his hand. Before he could react, I swung the hatchet and it sunk deep into his shoulder, again, it didn't hurt him.

I throw the hatchet as far as I can into the trees. I look down and mentally facepalm. He had another one on his belt.

Before he could reach for it though, the faceless creature appeared in front of me. Suddenly everything goes black.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now