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I follow Slenderman to the end of the hallway where a plain wooden door stood.

"In there, child." He said, motioning slightly to the door. I put my hand on the door knob and turn it, half expecting it to electrocute me or something. Nothing happens as I open the door to be met. With a blank, bland room. The bed frame, wardrobe, floor, and shelves were brown while everything else was a plain shade of white.

"This is where you will be staying the rest of your immortal life, so feel free to trash it." Slenderman said, I laugh a little. I turn back to him.

"So...I'm just staying here?" I ask. He nods.

"You are one of us. No need to be afraid of any of the other residents." He explained.

"Wait. When did I become 'one of you'?" I ask, clearly confused. He turns his head in my direction.

"The transformation started the first time you saw me. Then, when you killed your friend, the transformation was completed. When a soon to be proxy kills someone, they become a proxy." He said. The sad memory of Carter's death goes through my head.

"Wait. So why did you ask me to agree if I was already one?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I liked to see your hope." I nod as if I understood, even though I didn't.

" do you know I won't try to escape?"

"Child, I can read your thoughts, I know you, you're a smart girl. Plus, just by looking at you I can know what you are thinking, so if you tried to escape, it would be in vain." I didn't believe him.

"Hm...What am I thinking right now?" I say, closing my eyes and thinking the most random thought I could think of. I hear him chuckle.

"Would you like me to quote it?" He asked. I nod and he sighs.

"Do you know what's worth fighting for, when it's not worth dying for
Does it take your breath away, and you feel yourself suffocating
Does the pain weigh out the pride, and you look for a place to hide- I will stop there, you get the idea." I stare at him in awe, he actually CAN read my mind. Woah...Uh oh, NOBODY wants to know what goes on up there!

"Agreed." He said, teleporting away.

I let out a little puff of breath and fall back onto the bed, closing my eyes and enjoying the moment of peace. The peace is soon interrupted when I remember something.

"Oh Crap." I say, standing up off of the bed to go look for Apollo. I open the door and step out into the hallway, closing the door behind me. I speed walk down the hallway until I reach the stairs leading down. I go down the stairs and find myself in a living room.

I see a boy dressed in green with pointed elf ears sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Elf, where's my dog?" I ask the boy. He gives me an angry look.

"It's with Jeff, I think." He said. I get confused.

"And who is that?" I ask. He sighs.

"White hoodie, bloody smile, no eyelids." He said, turning back to the video game he was playing, it appeared to be an LoZ game.

I turn around zipping around the mansion, searching all of the rooms on the ground floor. That b*stard has my dog.

I finally open the door that leads outside and see three figures. One appeared to be human while the other two were obviously dogs.

I run out and see Apollo. Then I see Jeff and some dog that faintly resembled him.

"Why did you take my dog?" I ask, annoyed but relieved that he was safe.

"Well, at first I was planning on letting the rake have him-" he explained as if it was nothing. I don't know what the rake was, but it didn't sound good. I exploded.

"You what?!" I yell.

"Rest your breasts. You didn't let me finish." He said defensively.

"I WAS planning on it. But then Smile seemed to want to be his friend, and I'm not going to deny my dog of his first friend besides me." I look over at the dog, supposedly called Smile. He did seem to like Apollo a lot, I was guessing he never had many friends.

I sigh.

"Alright, but if you hurt him, I'll hit you in the head with a brick." I say, walking away after patting Apollo's head.

If your wondering what that was when Slenderman was reading the reader's thoughts, it was a song called 21 guns by Green Day

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now