All night

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My parents wouldn't be home today...or any other day for that matter. They weren't dead, or abusive...we just didn't get along much, so I moved across town into my own house. They paid for it because they wanted me gone but they still wanted me safe.

I walk around the house, pulling all of the curtains shut and locking the windows. Sage, Aron, and Carter called home and told their parents they were staying at my house tonight.

Carter's parents were a little hesitant about h staying at a girl's house, but he begged and insisted, He was terrified and panicking, he wasn't going to leave this house at night. Nobody wanted to. They all saw what was out in those woods in the dark.

We went upstairs to my room and set up blankets and sleeping bags. It looked nothing more than a sleepover, but in reality, we were scared out of our minds. I was probably the least scared since I had seen this thing before millions of times, and I didn't get the headache when I saw it.

After we got all of the blankets set up on the floor we just looked at each other, waiting for someone to talk.
Aron clears his throat.

"Well...I think that maybe we were just hallucinating..." He said. Carter gives him a look.

"Yeah dude, we're all hallucinating and we saw the same thing." He said, sarcastically.

"Well I don't know, I mean, I'm used to the hallucinations and I'm just not completely sure I wasn't imagining this..."(I'm listening to Ed Sheeran while writing this.)

"I think...I think we should just...get some rest and...think about it in the morning." I say, shaking my head. I hear Carter mumble something like: If we make it till morning. I just ignored him and stood up, stretching. I turn around and climb onto my bed, snuggling into the covers, Sage turns the lights off and everyone else climbs into their sleeping bags. I kept the camera on all night, in case something tried to break into the house.

Nobody slept that night except for Aron, who has to take pills to help with insomnia.(Can you guess who Aron is like?)

The next morning we all got up and put away the blankets and sleeping bags. After that we all took turns showering. When I entered the bathroom I looked in the mirror. I had purple rings around my eyes from insomnia and sleep deprivation. My hair was a mess that I tucked into a low ponytail everyday. My cap was getting worn down from wearing it everyday, in school it's against the rules to wear hats in the building, but I never paid much attention to it.

I took off my cap and hung it on the towel rack. My hair looked even more a mess without it. When I didn't wear my hat I for some reason felt self conscious. I took a shower and got dressed, quickly putting my cap back on after and walking out of the bathroom.

Sorry for the short chapter. But I have a question.

Who should I kill off first?

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now