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I open my eyes and sigh. There was no sun shining through my window for once. But my eyes snap wide when I realize I wasn't in my room.
I start to have a panic attack when I realize I had been kidnapped.

"Ooooooohhh my gosh!" I whisper yell to myself. I try to stand but realize my hands were chained to the wall.

"Oh no. No. Nononono! Crud!" I pull harder on the chains. It was making a loud rattling noise. Then I remembered that when I blacked out, Apollo was with me. My eyes widen.

"Apollo! Apollo!" I yell. He's all I have left. I can't lose him. "Apollo! Apollo where are you?!" I yell louder. I hear a door open.

"Who is that?! Let me go! Where's Apollo?!" I yell at the person.

"One question at a time, child." I hear a voice say. I squint but I couldn't see who said it, they were in a dark corner.

"Okay then...Who are you?" I say slowly.

"I am the Slenderman." The figure said. Then it revealed itself, I gasp. I tug harshly at the chains.

"You! You did this!" I yell.

"Actually child-" He got cut off by a man walking into the room.

"Hey Slender, who's this?" He said. All I could tell was that he had a white hoodie on.

"This is the new proxy, Y/n." The faceless creature said. I ignore the man.

"Next question: Where. Is. Apollo?!" I yell. If he's hurt...

"Who's that?" The hooded man said. I sigh, leaning sadly against the wall.

"My dog." I say sadly.

"Oh. You mean that rabid animal that kept attacking us? It's over there." The man said, pointing over in a corner. When I look I am overcome with anger.

Apollo was sitting, chained to the wall by a chain around his neck, a muzzle on his face.

"Apollo!" I yell. I turn angrily back to the man. "Let him go! Let him go, you ignorant cow!" Pulling violently at the chains while yelling at them.

"Calm down child, if that is what you wish, I will let him go." Slenderman said. Suddenly, the muzzle disappeared. "But you must tell him not to attack." I roll my eyes.

"Apollo, don't...Don't attack" I say, defeated. The chains vanished and Apollo rushed over to me, growling at the others. When he gets to me, he looks at the chains. I smile and nod to him.

Surprising the others in the room, Apollo opens his mouth and snaps his jaws shut on the chains, breaking them instantly.

"Good boy." I say, standing up and rubbing my wrists. I glare at the people on the other side of the room.

"Hey...Is this the girl that cut Toby's arm?" The hooded man said. I nod at him. "That was a pretty deep gash, I think you're lucky he can't feel pain."

"Could you tell me where I am and why I'm here?" I say, annoyed.

"You are in the dungeon of my mansion, and you're here because I want you as my proxy." Slenderman said.

"What makes you think I'll do that?" I ask, laughing a bit.

"Because you have nothing left."

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now