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"I still have Apollo." I say, Apollo barks in agreement.

"That beast? He can't stay in the mansion!" The hooded one exclaimed.

"We let Smile and Grinny stay." Slenderman said to the hooded man.

"That's different. Grinny's a cat and Smile's trained." When he said the word 'trained' Apollo seemed to get sad. I had to think fast. He was always a little insecure about not being like other dogs.

"Apollo doesn't need trained." I turn to Apollo. "Sit." I say. He sits down, happy to be of use. "Apollo, turn on the light." I say. He barks and runs over to the light switch on the wall, flicking it on. He comes back and sits by me, looking proud of himself.

"How the heck." The hooded figure said. I look up towards him but freeze. Now that the light was on, I could see his face. He must be REALLY good at face paint. His eyes are open really wide too.

He sees me staring and smirks.

"What? Never seen a face like mine?" He said smugly.

"How did you make the blood look so real?" I ask in wonder.

"Look real?! Darling, I carved this with a knife." He said proudly. I think about it.

"But...Wouldn't you go into shock from the pain?" I ask. He shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe?"

"Ahem. Back to the task at hand. Y/n, you WILL be my proxy. You have no choice." Slenderman said calmly. For some reason, even though I hate him for everything that happened, his voice was always soothing.

"I do have a choice." I say, full of thought. Slenderman cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"You could be a proxy, or ...You could die." The Smiling one said. I hum in thought.

"Or...I could do this." I say seductively, keeping my laughs inside. My plan is in affect. I slowly walk over to him, putting my hands on his shoulders. He gets a look of confusion on his face.

When I had my hands on his shoulders, I smile.

"Apollo, attack." I say. I hear Apollo bark and attack Slenderman. I smack my forehead on Smiley face's and bring his legs out from under him. Before he falls all the way down, I grab his hoodie pocket, as suspected, there was a knife in it. I grab the knife and let him fall to the ground. Before he can stand up again, I sprint to the door while whistling for Apollo to follow me.

I swing the door open and sprint down the hallway. I don't look back as I run. I just sprint. When I come to a staircase going up, I hear footsteps running after me. I speed up the stairs two at a time. The footsteps keep getting closer. While I was running through a hallway with A LOT of doors, I feel a hand grab my arm.

I keep running though, the person, still holding my arm, ran along with me. After a while, they were able to grab my other arm, pulling me backwards.

"Let me go, you bloody pig!" I yell, I'm coming up with insults as I go.

Strange people start to step out of the room and watch what was going on. I struggle until I had my arm out. I couldn't do much though.

Wait! I still had the knife!

I reach into my pocket and pull the knife out. I manage to get my other arm out of his grip and turn to face him, backing away while pointing the knife at him. He laughs.

"You really gonna use that?" He asked, amused. Suddenly a memory goes through my mind.


I glare at Aron while he eats another spoonful of MY F/f Ice-cream.

He notices my glare and laughs, eating another bite. I pick up spoon from the table and squeeze it angrily.

"Oh, are you really gonna use that to hurt me?" He asked, amused. I give him a sarcastic look.

"Yes Aron, I'm going to use this spoon to stab out your heart." I say sarcastically. Then I leap over that table and dig the spoon into the ice cream, leaning back and eating it.

I hear Aron laugh, genuinely laugh, it was hard to see Aron laugh.

I'll never hear him laugh again...

Thanks to these people.

~End of flashback~

I grin crazily at the man in front of me.

"Hahaha, Yes." I say, jumping at him with the knife. I honestly don't know what was happening. I was just so angry that...that I would never see Aron again...He was the person that stuck with me...and these people took him away from me as if he was nothing.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now