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I walk out of my room after grabbing my camera. It's been a while since I've filmed anything and it's been nagging at me.

I flip the camera open press the 'record' button, turning the camera around to face the hallway in front of me. I walk through the hallway, swing the camera at any sound.

"Welp, I'm living in a mansion with a bunch of psychopaths, strange creatures, murderers, and the occasional ghost elf...What has my life become..?" I say to the camera as I keep walking towards the stairs.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs I walk into the living room. I see three people in there. Ben, Jeff, and...him.

"Hey." He says with a sly wink.

"Fuck you." I say as I walk by, not even glancing at him. Imagine that, but with a Levi Ackerman face.

"Heh, name the time and place." He said, I could hear the smirk in his voice. I stop walking but don't turn around.

"Tonight~...In your dreams." I say, my voice sweet and flirty in the beginning but cold at the end. I turn to face him.

"Oh, you got me." He said, putting his hands up. "Why do ya have that camera though?" He asked.

"Because cell phone cameras are low quality." I say as if it were obvious. Suddenly he shoots his hand out and snatches it from me. When I try to grab it back he holds it above his head so I couldn't reach.


"Uh, oh." I hear Jeff and Ben say as they fled the room, scared of getting in the crossfire of this.

"You little-" I kick my leg out and hit his knee-cap, he drops the camera and I scramble to catch it, but he goes to catch it too, and knocks it away in the air.

I watch helplessly as my camera flies through the air before smashing against the floor a few feet away.

I stare at it for a moment before turning to Oliver, looking at my feet, then lunging to grab him so I could kill him. He dodges and takes off running out of the room, and towards the kitchen.

Smart move, Sherlock. Now you've cornered yourself in a room where I have access to a knife.

I follow him in and grab a knife off the counter as I run. Ben and Jeff are watching us as I chase him around the kitchen yelling profanities while raising the knife and slashing down, narrowly missing him a few times.

Suddenly something wrapped around my waist and hoisted me in the air. I look down to see it was a black tendril.

Well fuck.

"Watch your tongue L/n." Slender said. I put my elbow on his tendril and prop my head on my hand.

"What are you, a drill sergeant?" I say sarcastically. He ignores me.

"What is going on here?" He said angrily.

"Well, the pervert broke my camera." I say, still steamed.

"Which one?" He said.

"Hey!" Ben and Jeff both said defensively. I giggle a little before getting angry again.

"Hm...probably the one I'm chasing with a damn knife!" I say, swinging the knife around in the air.

"About that..." Slender said as he plucked the knife out of my hand with one of his other tentacles. I sigh as he takes it.

"Y/n, you were the one that told me it was better to have him on our side." Slender said. I see Oliver smirk.

"Oh, so you think I'm dangerous, love?" He said with a wink.

"Don't call me 'love'. And I'm not scared of you, it's just that you've got Apollo, and he can be dangerous." I explain to the idiot.

"What kind of weirdo names a dog 'Apollo'?" He said. I growl.

"The 'weirdo' who knows where you sleep!" I say, hitting Slender's tendril, trying to get him to let me go. Slender sighs and teleports me to us to his office along with Oliver.

"Listen you two, I can't have residents here killing each other. If Jeff and Jane can settle their differences, so can you." He said as he finally sets me down. I had jelly legs from being held that tight for that long and I fell down.

Oliver laughs and I glare at him.

"Go, you two." Slender said, sounding annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah." I say as I stand up and walk out, Oliver walking behind me. As soon as the door was shut behind s us I pin Oliver to the wall and pull out the knife that I had hidden in my pocket earlier.

Before I could do anything though, he kisses me on the nose. My face flushes and I drop the knife. He slowly reaches down and picks it up. I knee him in the gut and grab the knife from his hand.

"Don't try me Oliver, I know what keeps you up at night." I say, glaring at him.

"I hope it's you." He said with a wink.

"You. Fucking. PERVERT." I say as I chase him down the hall.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now