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After that rather annoying meeting, I decided to visit the school. I walk down the sidewalk and keep my camera up.

When I reach the school, I'm surprised. There wasn't even really a school. It looked more like ruins. There were the melted frames of lockers and broken brick walls. It looked like a disaster.

I crawl over a fallen ceiling beam and enter what looked like it used to be a classroom. I hear talking so I duck down behind a piece of rubble.
It sounded like three voices. Two male, one female. 

I peak up above the beam to see who it was. To my surprise, I see Aron, Carter, and Sage. I was about to walk over but what I heard them say stopped me.

"I don't know if she's right in the head..." Sage said. Who is she talking about?

"I think it's her fault this thing is here. That stupid camera is evil." Carter said. Oh. Okay... I know now.

"Guys, I don't think-" I didn't give Aron time to continue. I turned around and silently made my way away from the school. I wasn't going to let this get to me. People do this all the time, and we're all stressed right now.

I make my way back home, keeping my eyes on the secretive woods. When I reach my house. I put my hand on the door knob and twist. My door popped open. But...

I locked my door. I remember I did. I always do when I leave the house alone for more than an hour. I cautiously make my way into the house, silently closing the door behind me. I look around to see if anything was stolen or if someone was still inside the house. After seeing nothing missing  and no signs of anyone being here, I go upstairs and walk into my bedroom.

When I walk into the room, I stop in my tracks. My eyes widen and my mouth drops open. I slowly walk into my room to get a closer look at it.

Written on my mirror in black, choppy, writing, were the words:

c̸h̸e̸c̸k̸ o̸n̸ t̸h̸e̸m̸

I look at the letters, trying to understand how they got there and what they mean. I stand for a few minutes before thinking what I never wanted to think. Them. My friends. If someone hurt them...

I grab my camera and rush out the door, not even bothering to lock it. It took me five minutes to sprint to the school. When I got there, no one was there. But I look at the woods and see a small path. Sage would have begged them to go in there.

I quickly rush over to the path and scramble down it. After a few minutes of running, I hear someone breathing heavily and people shouting.

I run as fast as I could until I saw them. My heart dropped down to my stomach.

I see Sage laying on the ground, her breathing sounded labored. Aron was sitting by her, his hands on her neck and covered in blood. Carter was trying to get his phone to work. I rush over and fall on the ground next to Sage. Aron looks up at me for a second before turning to Carter.

"You obviously aren't getting any signal. If you want her to survive, go get help!" He yelled at him before looking back at me.

"Give me your sweatshirt." He said, it sounded like he knew what he was doing. I quickly take off my sweatshirt and hand it to him. He takes it and holds it on Sage's neck. Her eyes were now rolling back in her head. Tears were now streaming down my face. She smiles, and with the last of her strength, says something.

"You haven't seen the last of me!" She laughs out. I laugh, tears streaming down my face as I pull her body to my chest. She always wanted that to be her last words. I feel my best friend take her last, shaky breath, before falling silent in my arms. I look up at Aron, tears streaming down my face.

" we do?" I ask. He looks down at her sadly.

"We burry her, if the authorities find out, we'll have a hard time explaining everything and we might be the main suspects." He said. I nod, brushing some of her hair out of her face.


After we buried her deep in the woods, surrounded by flowers, we decided to go back to my house and they would tell me what happened.

The walk there was silent. We were all covered in blood and mud. When we got there I lent them some of the clothes that I had of my dad's. After we all changed, we sat at the table. They were silent.

"Well, what happened?" I say worriedly. Carter glares at me.

"Oh, don't act like you don't know!" He said angrily.

Ha! Cliffhanger! Actually I just didn't want to make the chapters too long...

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now