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Mud splatters on the front of my jeans as Sage jumps into another puddle.

"Really?" I say, trying my best to wipe the mud off. Sage turns back to me and sees the mud on my pants.

"Oops." Was all she said before turning back around and jumping into another mud puddle. I sigh when I realize it wasn't coming out without soap and water.

I walk behind her, making sure to dodge the mud coming up from her boots. I pan the camera around again. When I was satisfied, I train the camera in front of me, getting a view of the path in front of us.

I flick my eyes to the left side of the path and almost jump. I see a mask in the bushes. The thing that really scared me was: Someone was wearing the mask. I drop the camera in shock and quickly bend down and pick it up.

If I was going to die, I was going to get it on camera.(Jay's logic)

When I look back up, the mask was gone and Sage had turned back to me. She sees me crouched down, looking at the bush.

"You okay?" She asked. She looks at the bush and her eyes widen. "Sh!t!" She said.

"What?" I ask worriedly, had she seen it too?

"You found a bush." She said, rolling her eyes. I sigh and stand up. She gives me a smile and turns back around, skipping down the trail. I slowly start walking behind her. Slightly spooked.

Maybe we should head back....No. Being scared won't do anything. I hesitantly look around. Nothing was out of place. It was just the green leaves and brown trunks of trees and bushes and plants.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I scurry after Sage so I didn't get left behind.

Sage turned back at me, causing me to almost run into her.

"Alright, I can tell you're spooked. Let's head back. Besides, since Aron's parents lock the door when they go to work, he'll probably head to your house." She said, turning around and walking past me.

Oh yeah. I forgot Aron. He's been our friend since we started high school. People don't like him very much because he doesn't gossip about people behind their backs. If he doesn't like someone, he says it to their face. He was always sarcastic and cold. But he looked after us and would do his best to protect us. Especially Sage.

He hates it when people gave her a hard time and called her crazy. After a while of walking through the damp woods, we finally made it out of the trees. We walked the rest of the way to my house and see Aron sitting on my porch with Carter. Ugh.

I didn't hate Carter, he was just a bit...pushy. He was always trying to make films and get us to be in them. He dreamed of being a famous director one day. He want really my friend, he was Aron's, but we hung out sometimes.

I walk to my porch and pull my house key from my bag.

"Hey Aron." I say as I unlock the door.

"Hello to you too." Carter said sarcastically. I roll my eyes, smiling as I push the door open.

"Don't get mud on the floor. That means you, Sage." I say, shooting her a look. She giggles and takes off her boots, setting them on he porch by the door.

I walk into my house with the others following me.

"Well, since I missed breakfast and I'm sure at least one of you did too, who wants breakfast?" I say, walking into the kitchen after setting my school bag on the dining room table.

"Me. What do you have?" Aron said from the dining room.

"Cereal." I say, looking through the pantry.

"What else?" He asked.

"...cereal." I repeat, that was literally the only breakfast food I had. I couldn't cook and didn't have time to anyway. Aron looks over the kitchen counter at me.

"Hm..Wide variety. I'll have to go with the cereal." He said sarcastically.

"Good choice. Although it may or may not be stale." I say, taking a box of Cheerios out of the pantry.

"I'll take my chances." He said while grabbing the milk out of the fridge.

I laugh as I get a bowl and spoon. After I make him his cereal we all sit down in the living room.

"So...our school just caught on fire..." I say, looking at the people around me. Sage giggles.

"Yup. No school!" She said excitedly.
Carter turned to her.

"You're happy about this?" He said in disbelief.

"What? Nobody's hurt and the fire department is taking care of it. I don't see any harm done." She said.

"We're seniors. We might not be able to  graduate." Carter said. My eyes widen. I hadn't thought about that.

"But I already have a photography scholarship for NYU..." I say quietly. Their heads turn to me.

"What?!" They all day. Oh yeah. I hadn't told them yet.

"Yeah...I got the letter two days ago." I say. Sage enveloped me in a hug. "That's great!" She lets me go and I fall back onto the floor. "But I'll be studying in Oregon..." she said sadly.

"Well if they don't get the school fixed, none of us are going anywhere!" Carter said.

"Carter. Calm down. They'll fix it and we'll all graduate and be happy where we go." I say calmly.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now