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I open the door to the bedroom, mallet in hand. When I walk in a hear gasps. When I walk in I freeze. Looking at the group that was sitting on the floor, all I could think of was how much it reminded me of my own group.

Only one thing: my group was all dead. Looks like these ones will have to die too. Suddenly a rage takes over me as I realize I'm no better than the ones who killed my friends.

But do I really care?

I walk slowly past the doorway and onto the hardwood floor. Some of the group backed away when they saw the sinister expression on my face and the mallet in my hand. I look at the group in front of me.

A muscular boy with brown hair and blue eyes. A tall girl that reminded me sort of a Barbie, with blond hair and perfect skin. A skinny, pale boy with short, black hair with blue streaks in it, and brown eyes. Then the girl that had tears on her cheeks. She had short red hair and gray eyes. They all looked at me shocked.

The Black haired boy got up the courage to speak.

"W-who are you?" I smile and sigh, acting like I was annoyed by the question.

"What a typical thing to ask. I'll have you know my name is Y/n L/n. I'm usually a photographer but tonight I will hosting your demise." I say, trying to sound formal while still grinning crazily. The blonde girl gasps.

"You're that girl that went missing with her friends a while ago..." I frown a little when they mentioned my friends.
Then I can almost feel the black haired boy getting an idea.

"Your parents miss you a lot." He said. Oh, this hostage trick. Trying to get the attacker to feel sadness or guilt about their loved ones.

"Nice try, but my parents are dead." I say, the smile coming back to my face.
"Now enough stalling. Let's get to work here." I step even closer so that I was just a foot away from the crying girl.

Suddenly the Barbie girl shoots in front of her. That was unexpected.

"Leave her alone!" She shouts, trying to sound strong. I roll my eyes.

"Oh alright, I'll save her for last then. How about you?" I take a step closer. I expected her to move away but instead she holds her ground in front of her best friend.

I quickly raise the hammer up and bring it down on her skull, ending her quickly.

For some reason I didn't want to make her death slow and painful. Even when she was threatened with death, she still tried to protect her friend. That is what a true person would do.

I just swing the hammer and kill the brown haired boy. I didn't have much to say, he didn't say much to me and he seemed like a decent person.

Then I look at the girl. She narrows her eyebrows.

"Kill me. Please. I have nothing to live for."

OC add in. Lol JK.

I glare at her.

"Nothing? You think you have nothing?! You still have your parents! Whether they care for you or not. You still have blood free hands! And up until now you've had what seems to be a very close group of friends! I have lost all of those, yet I'm still living!" I yell angrily.

"You shouldn't be." The black haired boy said. I don't even turn to look at him.

"I know. But I am." I say. Then I smash the mallet onto the girl's ribs, hearing her scream in pain. Then I bring it down and smash her skull. Blood flies everywhere.

I turn to the black haired boy. He was now covered in his friends blood.

"You know, you remind me of my best friend." I take a pause. "Have they found his body yet?" I ask. He stays silent with a blank look on his face. That's exactly how Aron looked in all of my dreams when he wasn't smiling warmly. I sigh.

"You really remind me of him." I look at the boy, covered in blood with a straight face. A tear slips from my eye. For some reason I felt like I trusted him.

I feel like I'm in debt to Aron. I couldn't save him though I tried. Maybe if I save this boy my debt will be paid off. Maybe....

I lower the mallet.

"What's your name?" I ask. He glares at me before answering.

"Oliver." He answers.

"Well Oliver. If you don't listen to me you will die." I say.

"What if I want to." He say. I ignore him.

"Go out this window and head into the woods behind the blue house on the left. Stay away from the back fence on this house,  because I'm not alone here." He nods.

"I can't stay here anyway. This is my house and now there's blood and bodies all over. I have a cabin in the woods."

"Good." I say. "I have to go now." I say, standing up.

"I'll kill you one day. I'll make you pay for this." He said. I look back and smile warmly at him.

"Tell you what. If you start killing people, I could get you a place to live, a new family, and protection from police. Hope to see you again one day." I say, leaving.

"Maybe." He says behind me. I hear him jump out the window as I walk to the backdoor.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now