Worst of all

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Ok...My baby brother just told me he was going to stab my eyes out...also over 100 votes, yay!

After a while of gaming and talking with Ben and Jeff, I realized it was nearly midnight. I jump up from my spot on the couch, not knowing if I was tires or not.

"Oops. Gotta go to bed boys, see you tomorrow." I say, walking around the couch.

"Night." I hear Jeff say, yawning. It must be hard for him...sleeping without eyelids.

"See ya." Ben says, still focused on the game. I walk up the the stairs and into the hallway. After walking down the incredibly long hallway, past many different doors, I finally reach my room.

I push my door open and walk inside, turning the light off once I get in. I trudge over to my bed and flop down, the sleepiness finally coming. I pull the blanket up and went out like a light.

I wake up on top of a tall building. Confused and disoriented, I look around. I see a familiar figure standing in front of me, their back to me. A figure I had seen in my dreams many times before. The figure of Aron. I push myself up and walk up behind him.

"Hi Aron." I say. I would always greet him, most of my dreams were peaceful like the first one. He didn't seem to have heard me.

"Hey. Over here." I say, walking in front of him. He doesn't even look at me, it's as if I'm not there. He had tears in his eyes and an empty expression on his face, the expression I have always hated to see Aron have.

"Aron, are you okay?" I ask. He doesn't answer or look at me, i don't think he can see me or hear me...

He takes a step forward and passes right through me without even noticing. I watch as he puts his hand in his pocket and pulls out a little slip of paper. He looks at it before tossing it on the building. He takes another step forward and I suddenly realize what's going on. He steps onto the edge of the building, looking down.

"No!" I yell as I step forward and attempt to grab his arm. I go right through him, as expected.

"Aron don't do it!" I yell, I started to cry when I realized there was nothing I could do to stop him. But that doesn't mean I stopped trying.

"Aron, please! Don't! You can't do this!" I yell. I try to grab his leg, nothing. I try to grab his arm, nothing. I attempt to wrap my arms around him and end up hugging myself as he lifts one foot up and swings it over the edge.

"Please Aron...I'm begging you..." I watch as he leans forward, letting the other foot slip carelessly off of the stable cement, sending him into his final free fall. I scramble to the edge and watch helplessly as my best friend plummets to the sidewalk below.

"Noooo!" I yell once more before suddenly everything goes black.

I jolt awake, breathing heavily with tears streaming down my face.

"Shh...it's alright..." I feel arms around me and realize Ben had come while I was in the dream. I start to sob as he holds me tight. "It's just a dream..." he says gently. My breathing starts to even out into small, shaky, breaths. I let the warm embrace sooth me. I snuggle closer while trying to stop crying. I think I was still pretty tired, because after a few minutes of sitting there, being held, I yawn and fall asleep.


I feel myself being shook awake.

"...Y/n. Wake up." I slowly flutter my eyes open to see Ben looking down at me.

"You woke up earlier than usual, the reason I came was because I could hear you yelling and crying. This one was worse." He said worriedly.

"It's 1:26." I say, more of a statement than a question.

"How did y-" I cut him off.

"Long story." I say. "Can I go back to sleep now?" I say, not even bothering to move away from him.

"I..." I look up at him to see he's asleep. He really is a good friend.

I shrug and lay my head down on his arm, closing my eyes and falling asleep again.


I wake up feeling somebody tap my forehead...repeatedly. After a while of this, I slam my eyes open.

"Alright already! What are you? A woodpecker?!" I say angrily, sitting up. I whack him over the head with my hand.

"Hey! I was just waking you up, no need to be grumpy."

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now