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When I woke up the next day I just lay in bed, forgetting what I learned yesterday.

I stand up and get dressed, putting on my hat and sweatshirt. I walk downstairs and into the living room. I get confused when I see the TV was on. I thought I turned it off. I walk over and notice it was on the news Chanel. Everything hits me at once.

I turn off the TV as tears start to creep into my eyes. I stare at the blank screen and try to blink the tears away, but it only made more come when I realized not only did I just lose to of the only people I love in this world, but also I'm going to have to find a good paying job to be able to pay for food and other necessities. How was I going to find a good job at my age, when I don't have a high school, or college diploma. I was on my own now.

The tears started to drop down my face. Suddenly I felt freezing. With tears streaming down my cheeks, I grabbed a blanket and draped it around my shoulders.

It somehow didn't help though, I was getting colder the more I thought about what would happen. I shiver and remember that Aron had told me to call him today. He knew, but he didn't want to tell me. I probably wouldn't believe him if he did.

I go over to the counter and grab my phone, dialing Aron. He picks up right away, as if he was waiting for me to call. Oh wait, he probably was.

"...Hey Aron." I say, my voice and spirit low. He sighs before answering.

"You sound like you found out." He said.

"You left the TV on." I explain. He laughs on the other end.

"I always forget something..." he said lightheartedly. I laugh a little, the cold chill seemed to go away. I really needed the comfort of my friends though, even a prick like Carter.

"Hey...do you think you could meet me at F.S.F. soon?" I ask.

"Uh...Sure! Anything!" He said with a voice that proved he was my friend and he wanted to comfort me.

"Great. I should already be there when you get there. Bye." I say, already pulling the phone from my ear.

"Bye." I faintly hear him say before pressing the 'End call' button.

F.S.F stands for Fort SciFi. It was our tree fort that we've had since freshman year. We built it in the woods about a mile from my house. We didn't mind the walk though: it meant we were farther away from people who might listen in on our conversations. F.S.F was a sacred place. It was also the place where I kept the biggest secret I've ever kept from my parents:

...My therapy dog. It helped me with anxiety and he was an awesome companion to have. I named him Apolo. He was a fairly large Rottweiler-pitbull mix. He was vicious when someone threatened me, he was my best friend besides...Sage.

That's Apollo^^

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That's Apollo^^

X҉ X҉ X҉ X҉ X҉ X҉ X҉

After a while of walking, the treehouse comes into view. It was a simple treehouse, we built it out of the wood that Carter had left over from when his parents built a shed. As I walk over to the treehouse, I put my fingers to my mouth and give a shrill whistle.

I see a furry head pop out of the window and give me a welcoming bark. I put my head up and yell up to him:

"Hey Apollo. Sorry for not coming here for the past few days. Did you find the food?" I ask worriedly. He barks as if to say yes.

Apollo is a special dog, he understands English...and a little Japanese...

He understands humans, not like other dogs who have to be trained to do stuff, he actually understands everything. He can tell emotions too. If you're sad, he knows, and he'll comfort you. If you're happy, he knows, and I swear he smiles.

I climb up the ladder into the treehouse and give Apollo a pat on the head. I pull out my phone and dial Carter. He waits a few rings before picking up.

"Yes?" I hear him ask, slightly irritated.

"Hi. Can you meet me and Aron at F.S.F?" I ask, petting Apollo with my other hand.

"Yeah. Aron already asked me, I'm just a few minutes away." He said, I could almost hear the smile in his voice. It didn't matter if there was a conflict in the group, when we were at F.S.F, we were a family.

"Kay. Bye." I say, hanging up. I look down at Apollo.

"Alright boy. What do you need? Food? Water? Love?" I say. He burrows his head under my arm. "Love it is." I say, until I realize he had dig into my pocket and took some beef jerky that I had from breakfast. I laugh. So he wanted food.

I hear a Holler from the ground and look down out the window to see Carter and Aron climbing up the ladder.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now