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I leave Ben's room, closing the door behind me. I walk downstairs and into the living room. I flip down onto the couch and sigh. Suddenly Slenderman appear in front of me.

I raise an eyebrow, too lazy to ask what he needs.

"Introductions. Dining room. Now." Then he disappeared again, probably going to inform others. I know what this was. They did it for me when I first came.

I sigh in annoyance that I had to get up. I try desperately but couldn't get up, I couldn't bring my body to move.

"Ugh." Then I see Helen walk by.
"Hey, wait! Help me up!" I say, reaching a hand towards him. He sighs and grabs my hand pulling me off the couch harshly. I stumble a little before regaining my balance

"Ugh. You're heavy." He said, trying to insult me. I shrug.

"The heavier you are, the harder you are to kidnap." I say, walking towards the kitchen.

"You saw that on a cake shop sign." He said, following me.

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." I say, taking a seat in a chair by Jeff, at least he was inside and not outside, murdering someone else's dog like he loves to do so much.

Apollo walks into the kitchen and sits by my feet. I scratch his head  as I wait for everyone else to get here.

The seat on the other side of me was still empty as people drift into the room and sit down. When everyone was in except for Slender and two other people. I hear a groan and look towards the doorway.

A very groggy Ben was standing there, rubbing his eyes. I laugh and pat the seat next to me, telling him to sit there. He walks over and sits in the seat, looking across the table.

"Why are we all here?" He asked sleepily.

"New guy." I say shortly. He nods, yawning.

Then I hear a chair move on the floor and see Jason and Slenderman had both sat down.

"Introductions. You start Jason." Slenderman said. I hear Jason take a breath.

"I'm the Toymaker, or Jason-" Suddenly a small, wind-up mouse hops off of his shoulder and zooms around the table. Jason's eyes widen as he reaches for the mouse but it slips out of his hand.

"Hey, get back here!" He yelled. Some people's eyes widened at the mouse while some people were confused.

"Licorice get back here!" He finally manages to grab the mouse, setting it in his vest pocket and laughing nervously.

"Licorice?" Someone says confused.

"My pet." He explained, embarrassed. It was kind of funny seeing this.

"Just keep it away from Jeff." I say, trying to lighten the mood, glaring over at Jeff.

"It was one time! When will you let this go?" He said. I chuckle.

"When the time is right." I say, grinning.

"What does that even mean?!" He said.

"Children. Let's continue with the introductions please." Slenderman said.

We all look at who was sitting by Jason. It was Hoodie. Once again, all he said was:

"I'm Hoodie." We all looked at Masky after that, he was sitting beside Hoodie.

"I'm Tim, or Masky. Next." He said. Tim? His voice sounds so much like his... I'll have to ask him about it later...

Jeff was sitting by Masky.

"I'm Jeff...That's all I got." He said, pointing to me.

"Well, you already met me, but I'm Y/n and, as I said at the last introductions, I make hotel documentaries." I say, stifling a laugh.

We look over at Ben to see him asleep again, his head leaning on my shoulder. That's weird, I didn't even notice it before. I sigh and poke his cheek, causing him to grumble and wake up.

"What?" He said, not moving his head and keeping his eyes closed.

"It's your turn." I explain.

"Okay. I'm Ben and Don't even think about calling me an elf." He said, the last part being about me. I giggle causing him to raise his head and glare at me.

"Next." He said, walking out of the room, probably to go take a nap.
I sigh and also leave, going to my own room.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now