Meet again

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Ben awkwardly but friendly pats my back as I keep the tears from falling.

When I overlooked what had happened when my best friend died, I realized that sometimes things happen that are unforgivable, yet they are forgiven.

For example, I forgave Toby for what he did to me. He killed my best friends and my parents. But for some reason i don't even hold a grudge.

I blink back the tears and smile.

"Well, what's gone is gone. No use crying over spilled milk." I say, standing up. Ben gives me a confused look.

"Yeah. But that's more like spilled blood." I just shrug. I sense another being behind me. Not a human...but a canine. I reach my hand back and pat the head of my dog.

"Hey Apol-" I turn around and see a black and red husky looking back at me, clearly pleased by the attention.

"You aren't Apollo." I say, pulling my hand back while laughing a bit. Smile's ears flop down and he seems to frown sadly. I giggle at his actions.

"Wait, where is (Perry lol) Apollo?" I say as I look around. He wasn't here.

"I'm gonna go find him, he probably needs a walk anyway." I say to myself. I walk over to my dresser and pull out an outfit for the day. I was just about to start changing when I realize I forgot something.

"Ben." I say, not even looking in his direction.

"What?" He asks, trying to sound innocent.

"Get out." I say, frustrated.

"But w-" He starts.

"Out!" I tell, pointing to the door. He scrambles over to the door.

"Okay, okay, Don't get your panties in a twist!" He says as he walks out the door. I glare at the door after he leaves. Then I get changed and head into the hallway.

I spend a while wandering around the mansion asking people if they have seen him. Everyone that I asked said no so I started to get frustrated.

There has to be like dozens of people in this mansion. How has no one seen a big dog?!

I was losing hope and patients while walking through the kitchen when I suddenly saw movement outside the window.

I look out the window and see a Apollo walking towards the tree line.

I get a ._. look on my face before rushing outside to catch up with him.

"Apollo! What the hell are you doing?" I say as I get closer. He turns around, barks at me, then turns back around and starts trotting again. I roll my eyes and hurry to catch up.

Soon though, he started to full on dog sprint and I could keep up. After all, I only had two legs.

After a while of just following his tracks I see his figure in the distance. But there was another figure too. A human figure. Wait a minute.

If I kill someone collecting Slender pages, Slender will be very pleased with me!

I walk just close enough that the figure could hear me. I still couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl.

"Oi! What are ya doing with my dog?!" I yell at the figure. The figure freezes and Apollo barks at me. I stalk a bit closer to the figures, finally able to see them better.

It was definitely male. Skinny too, and pale, very pale.

"That was a question!" I say forcefully as I get closer.

After a second, the boy steps out in front of Apollo. I grin, he thought he was protecting my dog...from me?

"Your dog? It's against the law to take a dog off of the streets without any certification you know." The boy said. I laugh.

"And what makes you think I don't have the certification for this dog.?" I say challengingly. The boy crosses his arms.

"Because I have it." He said. As I get closer I see blue streaks in the hair, so contrast to the empty black color. He also had very light brown eyes. And a very familiar face.

"What do you mean you have it?" I say, confused for different reasons.

"I have the papers and the legal license for this dog. My dog." He said. "I even had its puppy collar. Though I lost it a few days ago." He said, obviously trying to hide something. Then I suddenly remember something.

I pull back the sleeve of my sweatshirt to reveal a small collar that I had been wearing as a bracelet ever since I found it in that boy's house.

I hold up my arm. It's impossible and extremely improbable...but still...

"This collar?" I ask the boy.

"Yes. did you get that...?" The boy said confused. "Wait a second! Are you that psycho who...killed my friends?" He asked. Then I suddenly recognize him.

"It appears I am." I say, acting like I already recognized him. He chuckles deviously.

"Y'know...I took you up on that offer of yours." He said. I raise one eyebrow and he pulls out a switchblade from his pocket. Flipping it open and spinning it around in his hand.

"After I left the house I felt just this uncontrollable rage among another emotion...I couldn't point it out at the time, but now I realize it was...nothing. It was no emotion. It was just this emotionless feeling that almost felt like joy, except it wasn't." He stalks carefully closer to me.

"Something in my head was telling me to listen to that emotion. And you know what it told me to do?" He said, starting to laugh.

This was scaring me a bit considering the last time I saw this boy he was perfectly sane and probably very depressed and scarred.

"It told me to spill blood. So that's what I did. And it turned that emotion to joy." He said with a smile.

"The emotionless emotion finally had an emotion." He said happily. I shake my head a bit, backing up.

"You aren't making sense." I tell him.

"It didn't have to make sense. It just had to distract you." He said. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Distract me from what?" I ask, starting to worry. Then I hear a growl behind me.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now