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I walk back into the mansion and into the living room, in search of Slenderman. I see the Elf on the couch again. lol, elf on the couch.

"Hey, Elfie, Do you know where Slenderman is?" I ask. He turns around to me, standing up.

"I swear if you call me that one more time, I'll-" I grin.

"You'll what, Elf?" I step over to him, he was shorter than me, which helped a little.

I guess losing all my friends changed me, I would never stand up to people or even talk before, let alone start fights.

"Children, stop this, I am right here." I turn around to see Slenderman standing in the doorway. I smile while the Elf just growls and sits back down.

"Hey, I wanted to ask-" I start but he cuts me off, somehow silencing my voice with his.

"It will have to wait, I am going to introduce you to the others, we will be in the dining room." He said, teleporting away. I sigh and follow the Elf into the dining room. There, at the table, were a lot of strange looking people. I took an empty seat and look around the table.

"Alright, we are going to go around the table and introduce ourselves, and tell a little about ourselves, you start, Y/n." Slenderman said. I take a breath.

"Alrighty then, I'm Y/n, and I make video documentaries about hotels." I say, giggling at my inside joke. I see a man in a black and white mask chuckle. Everyone else just gives me strange looks.
"Next." I say, looking at the person next to me. It was a little girl in a pink dress with dark brown hair and red eyes. She looked at me.

"Hi, I'm Lazari and I'm part demon. Next!" She said quickly in the most adorable voice I had ever heard. I was confused but decided not to question it.

There was another little girl sitting next to her, she had slightly lighter brown hair than Lazari, and beautiful emerald eyes. She also had blood dripping down from a gash on her head.

"Hi, I'm Sally! This is Charlie." She said, holding up a tattered teddy bear. I smile at her and she giggles.

I turn to the person beside her, it was the man that laughed earlier, the one in the mask.

"I'm Tim, but you will call me Masky." He said. Wait...

"Wait...Your name is Tim?" I ask, his voice sounds familiar too.

"Next." He growls. I raise my hands in surrender and look at the person beside him. It was someone with their hood up and some sort of mask with red eyes on it.

"I'm Hoodie." Was all he said. I awkwardly look to the next person. It was the Elf. I smirk.

"And you are?" I say. He glares at me.

"My name is Ben. And I'm not an elf." He growled. I laugh.

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After a while I had met everyone. But then we notice someone was missing.

"Where's Jeff?" Ben asked. I start to wonder too. People start to ask questions, then we heard an animal yelp from outside. We look out the window to see A scene that will be burned into my mind.

Jeff standing over my dog with a knife in his hand, Apollo already had a stab wound in his hind leg.

"Someone get me a brick." I growl-yell, getting up out of my chair and sprinting outside. I sprint over to him and push him to the ground, away from Apollo.

"You had better say your prayers." I growl out.

Ben's POV

"Somebody get me a brick." She yelled as she sped out of the house.

"Uh oh." I say as we all crowd around the window. Thankfully it was open so we could hear everything. She pushes him into the ground and stands over him.

"You had better say your prayers." She growled at him, tackling him down.
I look at them wide eyed.

"She's gonna kill him." I say under my breath.

In a matter of seconds, she had his knife and stabbed him in the shoulder. He cried out in pain and she grinned.

She raised the knife again but suddenly it flew out of her hand. We look to see where it went to see Slender standing behind them, holding the knife.

"That's enough Y/n." He said gently, as if not to trigger anything. Sh gets off of Jeff quickly and rushes over to her dog.

Slender stops her.

"Child, I will bring him to the infirmary otherwise he might not get better." Slenderman said. She looks at him with wide eyes before running into the house and up to her room.

Consumed by the lens(Creepypasta x reader)(Sorta OC X reader)Where stories live. Discover now