The Surgery

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6:41 AM

Alphys looked at the x-rays, then turned to face the two. "W-Well there's good news a-and bad news. Good news is, the w-wrist isn't broken, just d-dislocated. Bad news, I c-can't say the same for the leg. The femur is fractured and the f-fibula is b-broken," Neither of them had words to reply to that. "I can have you s-set up for surgery r-right now," hearing that, May buried her face in Mettaton's chest and held on tight with her good hand. 

6:45 AM

Mettaton had been trying to comfort the terrified May and was now carrying her --the same way he did on the way to the hospital-- to a bed. She was in too much pain to fight back when she was set down. Alphys gave May a face mask and instructed to take deep breaths. 

8:14 AM

Mettaton was waiting in the hallway for an hour and 29 minutes, so he decided to call everyone and let them know what happened. 

"Hello?" asked the girl on the other side of the line. "Hey, we need to talk. It's about your sister. Come to the hospital," she hung up.

8:21 AM

Mettaton looked down the hall to see an angry girl heading towards him. Her eyes were black. "What did you do to my sister you--" she was cut off when a wall of bones blocked her path. "APRIL!" she turned around to see a tall skeleton. "LOOK INTO MY EYES!!" The hall went silent. Her eyes turned blue as she fell right into the skeleton's arms. "Papyrus, what are you doing here?" Mettaton asked. "I SAW APRIL WALKING BY, AND HER EYES WERE BLACK, SO I FOLLOWED HER HERE TO KEEP HER FROM HURTING ANYONE!"

(Pause story)

Whenever April was weak or upset a demon would jump in and take control of her mind, using her body as a puppet. A very common problem on her planet. She and her sister, were in fact, not humans, but beings from Zhumyte. Mytes were very similar to humans, but with a few major differences. When a myte dies, their soul is reawakened in the demon realm. That soul must race against many demons to escape. If it succeeds, it will live on in a new life. If it fails to escape, it will fade and that will have been it's last life. Sometimes a soul will be fortunate enough to escape, but a demon will have followed them out. This was a condition called: Demon Fumes. The demon would slowly weaken the soul until the end of its life, which is most likely to be it's last. During this process, a soul eventually becomes so weak, it has to latch itself onto another soul just to stay alive. If the demon is confronted by the soul the myte was holding onto, it weakens and gives the myte enough strength to regain control, but a myte can't hold onto just any soul. It had to be from someone close to them. 

This was April's 3rd life. She made it to age 6 in her first life before malaria killed her. The second time, she was stillborn. Now, she was 15 and she had to hold on to another soul, Papyrus's soul. 

April had long before explained this to Papyrus, so he knew what he was dealing with.

(Resume story)

8:54 AM

Alphys poked her head through the door. "Y-you can come in n-now," Mettaton walked into the room and up to May, who was just opening her eyes. Her wrist was in a sling and her leg was held up by a little stand. "M-Mettaton?" she was so weak. A glimpse of the needle in her hand, the cast covering her entire right leg, and her left arm hanging in a little mini-hammock, and she started to whimper. "May darling, it's alright. Sshhhhhh. I'm here for you. You'll be okay," she was a bit quieter now. There was just, something about Mettaton's presence that made May feel safe. Like the world was better when he was around.

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