How a Heart Breaks

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April 2nd, 3:16 PM

"Hey, I'm going out with some friends, wanna come with?" April asked. "Sure," "Okay, dress punk and bring wheels, be ready by 3:40," May walked upstairs to do exactly that.

3:34 PM

May was wearing a pink strapless crop top, black and pink slashed leggings and her everyday clunky knee-high leather boots. For makeup, she had put on black lipstick, pink eyeshadow, black mascara, and black eyeliner. She walked downstairs to see April wearing the same makeup (except she had white eyeshadow) and the same outfit (except once again, white) with a black leather crop jacket and adjustable combat boots. "You got wheels?" May nodded and pulled out an attachment that could turn any kind of shoe (including stilettos though not recommended) into roller skates. April looked concerned. "Um...I wouldn't skate in those, I made a pair of these for you too," May sighed as she took off her boots and slipped on the other pair. "Where are you two going?" She turned to see Mettaton. "We're gonna hang out with friends," April answered. "Alright, just one thing..." He walked off, then came back. "It's a little chilly outside so take this," Seizing the opportunity, he slipped the bow into May's bag while she put on the jacket. "Have fun, don't stay out too late, love you darling," He sent her off with a goodbye kiss and watched them head off.

5:27 PM

May had been accepted into the group and was having a good time skating down abandoned waterslides. As she rode over to another, the back wheel fell off of her left shoe. "F**k!" but instead of falling and scraping up her limbs, something, or someone caught her. "Mettaton? How'd you know I was here?" she asked. "I was just taking a stroll and happened to--" May bent her eyebrows, not believing him one bit. Feeling bad about what he had done, he told her the truth. About the bow, about how he didn't feel comfortable not knowing where she was. He tried to explain that he was just trying to keep her safe. "You are seriously so overprotective and have so little trust that you put a tracker on me?" Before Mettaton could respond, May held out her hand in a "stop" position, her eyes filled with tears. "No! If you are not okay with not knowing where I am or what I'm doing 24/7, if you have that little trust in me, then just leave!" She began fighting sobs. "F**k you, I can just spend the rest of my life single and free! I don't need you, or your stupid pity compliments, or your stupid car! I've got a place to stay, I've got a good chance of getting a decent job, I've got good friends, that's all I need! I don't need you," May could feel her heart shatter as she sent him away before taking the wheels off her shoes and running off crying. On her way home, she stopped to buy as many sweets as she could fit into as many bags as she could hold in her hands. She entered the condo believing she would never smile again.

5:39 PM

May walked up to her room only to remember she had covered the walls in drawings of Mettaton. That reminded her of a song, how did it go again? "Step one: take his pictures off the wall, pick myself up after the fall," she began to trail off as she reached for a pushpin. "The fall, I'll be better off after..." She was too heartbroken to even finish the first line! She lay face down in bed sobbing into a pillow. Eventually, she mustered up enough courage to take down all the pictures, tucking them away in her closet, stripping her walls clean. May took a look at them without the drawings. The walls were a dull, sickening white. Bleghk! It didn't even seem like her room anymore. She lay back down in bed under the covers and surrounded herself with her stuffed animal fwiends! But it wasn't the same as Mettaton's hugs!

5:58 PM

Every squad member had attempted to cheer up May. Cleo had tried giving her a pep talk. The twins gave her cupcakes, Ellie tried to convince her she was better off without him. April acted as the stuffed animals, telling her cute and funny things. Now it was Maddie's turn. Her approach at this seemingly impossible task: send in the kitties! Immediately, all 4 of them jumped up onto the bed. Seeing them instantly turned May's frown upside down. The cat therapy was working! There were pets and meows and nuzzles and purrs. "Cats, they put a smile on everyone's face," Maddie thought. "You guys are so cute, aren't they Me--" All of it came rushing back. More tears were shed. "Yikes! Not even kitties help," What were they supposed to do now?

6:21 PM

April waited for May's tears to subside before she made her next move. "Hey, go fix your makeup, I'm taking you out," "Do I have a choice?" "No,"

6:28 PM

"So where are we going anyway?" May asked as they walked down the street and into town. "You'll see," May bent her eyebrows. "Trust me, spend one minute there and you'll forget he even exists," But May didn't want to forget! "Oh hey look, we're here," May looked through the window and gasped. "Puppies!" They walked inside and May immediately began petting and playing fetch with all of them. "You're all so adorable! I wanna take all of you home!" Mettaton did come into her mind a few times, but before she could burst into tears, there was always a puppy walking up to play with her. May didn't want to pick a favorite, but she was visited the most by a super adorable baby Pomeranian. It had so much fur, it was hard to tell whether it was he or she, May guessed she since the collar was pink. "I love this one, can I keep her?"

6:31 PM

"How could we not adopt one of those puppies?! You're so heartless! They were all orphans, the least we could do is give one a home! Maddie adopted 4 orphaned kitties when she was 12 and Cleo was okay with it! I'm 16 and you're not okay with me adopting 1 orphaned puppy?!" Hearing that made April feel bad, but she was not about to be guilt-tripped, not today! "We aren't here to adopt a puppy, we are here to play with them!" May was shocked. "You brought me here thinking I would fall in love with these cuties?!" April actually looked ashamed. "Well, when you put it like that, I didn't really think this through, I just wanted to cheer you up." May gave April her best puppy dog eyes and held up the tiny fluff ball. "Pleaaaaaassssse." April rolled her eyes and started to walk out the door. "We can continue this convo on the way home if you want, but my answer is final. No." May set the puppy down, trying not to cry. But then she had an idea. She waited for April to be totally out of earshot before she whispered to the white fluffy one. "I'll be back later cutie!"

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