A Bundle of Curiousity

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April 6th, 1:24 PM

May adjusted the red jacket and walked downstairs. "May," someone called her name. "Why are you wearing my suit?" She turned to see Mettaton standing on the stairs. "I was curious how I'd look in a tuxedo," her face was losing color. "You look cute," Mettaton replied. The tux was way too big on her, the sleeves passed her fingers and even with her heels, it was hard not to trip over the pants. "Thanks," May was struggling to form words. "May, are you okay?" "Yeah," her voice was strained. Mettaton walked up to her and saw the problem. It took some doing, but he managed to get the yellow tie off. May gasped, air flooding into her lungs. "May, what were you thinking? You had this on way too tight!" After catching her breath, May replied with what was probably the dumbest question ever. "Wait, you're supposed to be able to breathe with those on?" Mettaton looked at her as if she was the biggest idiot in the history of idiots. "May, did it not occur to you that if you put something around your neck, it shouldn't be so tight, and that if I weren't able to get this off, you would've died from lack of oxygen?!?!" May just stood there, afraid of what he would do. "Don't try on my clothes, especially without permission," May looked down. "I'm sorry...I'm such a dumbass," she walked back upstairs hanging her head in shame. Seeing her constantly trip on the way up to her room, Mettaton felt bad.

2:13 PM

May had changed out of the red tuxedo and was now wearing a pink sports bra and black running shorts. She was sitting on her bed browsing Aidem on her tablet and drawing in her sketchbook, just letting her pencil do whatever it wanted when she heard the door open. "Hey," It was Mettaton. "I'm sorry. I put on your clothes without asking and--" "No, I'm the one who should be sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. It's just...I care about you May, and I don't want anything bad to happen to you," May walked up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. She then realized the dull white walls. "I should really put those pictures back on the wall, I hate looking at this," She pulled a box out of her closet and began pulling out drawings. "As much as I love your artwork, May, how would you react if you walked into someone else's room, and the walls were covered head to toe in pictures of you?" May set the box down and took a look at the image being placed in her head. "I don't...know...faint...probably? The thousands of pictures were 14-year-old me thinking 'he fabulous, he shall hang on my wall for all of eternity' fast-forward 2 years and now they're all tucked away in this box," May sighed flashing back to some Earth memories. "I wanna be 11 years old again. Landing on Earth, seeing the grassy fields, meeting humans for the first time..." she trailed off. "I even have an Earth discovery log," After a bit of searching, May found a violet, slightly worn down journal and handed it to Mettaton.

Entry #1

I think it's possible the universe just saved my life. I heard talk on this ship that they were going to kill me, but we couldn't reach our destination. I found this notebook and I'll use it to write about life on whatever planet we're on, or at least I hope we're on a planet. I think April and I are currently the only ones on the ship. April's currently looking for an escape route, but I don't think that's necessary. I see a key right in front of a closed door.
-May Thomas, Age 11

"Feel free to read that if you're bored or stressed out," May had told him, but Mettaton couldn't find himself able to put it down. He lay down on May's bed and continued reading.

Entry #2

I'm in the control room, so many buttons. At least they have labels unlike on most control panels! There's a voice-activated computer in here. I'm gonna ask it where we are. Earth huh? Sounds interesting. According to the computer, this is the only planet in this galaxy with life, well how lucky are we to have somehow landed here. I wonder who lives here. Maybe these creatures are similar to us. Hey computer, is it safe to leave the ship without gear? Yay, I don't have to haul around a heavy tank forever. Uh oh, those guys are coming back! I better get out of here!
-May Thomas, Age 11

"Well I'm happy she successfully escaped," she was standing right there after all.

Entry #3

Phew, I managed to slip out of that ship. I see something super tall, it has lots of arms and needle-like fingers. Is this something a creature built, or is it a creature? It doesn't seem to see me, or have eyes at all.

Mettaton chuckled at this entry. May was intrigued by a tree. It was so unbelievable. Today, she fit right in here on Earth, all the more reason to read about her curiosity.

Wait! Are those, birds? I thought I made them up! Wait, if those are birds, then this must be a tree! I thought April made that up! Is every creature from our imaginations here? Was this planet made for us?
-May Thomas, Age 11

"'Was this planet made for us?' I wish," Mettaton thought as May lay down next to him. He pulled her closer and handed her the journal.

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