Terrifying Nostalgia

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3:09 PM

Mettaton joined May in bed and snuggled up close to her. Unsurprisingly, again, there was thunder outside and May was already hiding under the blankets, attached to Mettaton, quietly whimpering. "Shhhhhhh, Metta's here, it's okay," he pet her injured little head. "You know, when I was your age, I had a seemingly irrational fear," May poked her head out from under the blankets. "Really?" she asked curiously. "Yeah, I wasn't always the brave man you see before you today," he could feel May tighten her grip at the sight of lightning. "What could you possibly have been afraid of? Public speaking? Being alone? Sans?" "May, all 3 of the things you listed are completely rational fears, and let's be honest, who isn't afraid of Sans?" May bent her eyebrows. "Anyway, believe it or not, when we left the underground, I, was terrified, of cars," May looked at him, not believing what he just said. "Really? Because you seem to really love yours," If he could, Mettaton would have blushed. "Well, it took a lot of time and help from Paps to get to where I am. And I still deal with it every now and then." May looked shocked! "When have you been afraid?!" Mettaton held her hand. "Well for starters when I was teaching you how to drive." They both laughed at the memory. "Then, of course, your accident. I was terrified! For your safety and seeing what it did to you. It was hard to get behind the wheel after that."

It was 2015, all the monsters were still adjusting to life on the surface, and Papyrus had already gotten himself a car. He always said it was his dream to drive along the highway with the sun on his skin and wind in his hair, neither of which he had. "COME ON, METTATON, LET'S GO FOR A DRIVE!"  As the skeleton excitedly dragged his robot friend over to the shiny red mustang, Mettaton felt he was in danger. Not only did he have no idea what these 'cars' even were, but if Paps was behind the wheel with zero experience, something bad was going to happen. As they rode down the road, with the wind blowing against both of them, (why did Papyrus have to remove the roof?) Mettaton was holding onto his seatbelt, anticipating a crash, or something dangerous hopping in. After what seemed like hours, very terrifying hours, they pulled over. Mettaton instantly got out of this demon machine and walked away, hoping he would never have to get into or even see one of those ever again!

"Okay, that makes perfect sense!" May exclaimed before wincing at a headache she forgot she had. Lowering her voice so she wouldn't hurt her head again she said. "So...how did you get over your fear?" Mettaton was looking off into the distance but still holding her tightly. "I pushed to learn about cars and how to drive. Once I knew how it all worked, it was hard to be afraid because I know how safe they are," May rolled her eyes "Only if you obey the law," They both chuckled. Unfortunately, their good time was interrupted when the sound of thunder filled the room. May hid under the blankets and buried her face in Mettaton's chest. "It's okay, Metta's here," he hugged her tight and could hear her mumbling. Something about how she couldn't be the awesome person he was and that her head hurt and she just wanted to cuddle with him in bed forever. "May, you don't have to be like me, you're already so amazing, and I'm sorry you hit your head. When you're ready to come out of hiding, I have a little something to help you feel better, then you can stick your little nose back in my probably slightly wrinkled shirt," May slowly revealed her face, allowing Mettaton to give her a few kisses, both actual and chocolate. A little bit of heat magic, and May barely stay awake. She snuggled up close to Mettaton and zzzzzz...

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